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Everything posted by VNHunter

  1. a swimmer huh???

    wow... swimmers have the most flexible bodies among athletes...

  2. what do you mean you still have a long way to go???


  3. I see...

    me too... got my hands full from work and school last week...

    and this week, we'll be having final exams...


    then the party starts next week!!! semester break!!!

  4. government... anti-child pornography law... -_- some laws... *sigh*
  5. ^scared of having imagine breaker in real life... because of it's "disadvantages"... FUKOU DA!!! XD
  6. don't forget the 13th ep... the OVA... LOLz part for me, cooking with IS... XD
  7. VNHunter


    oh well one conclusion... THUMBS UP for Key's NAKIGEs...
  8. VNHunter


    IMO, air is sadder than CLANNAD... if clannad can make you cry for days, air can make you cry for weeks...
  9. the 8th one... that one was a pain in the ass to find... but it was worth it... XD
  10. ^is that so??? that's odd??? for those who have played FF7, "the lone wolf" refers to cloud strife...
  11. hmmm... more like a social network... IMO
  12. I will... after 5 VNs on my back log... but first... I have to finish this Dracu-Riot...
  13. hmmm... same VA??? I haven't played Muv-luv yet...
  14. LOLz... everytime I see "i really want to know you more" on online forums

    I sometimes think that your a friend of mine who just wants to troll me... XD


    anyways... just call me hunter, 19, basically an otaku (although only a few people knows about it)... ^^

    And you???

  15. Bad Ends on FS/N are different... Their not just "bad end, you die"... some reveals further secrets...
  16. Leguna: 250 Sense Stone Golem : 250 knowledge I'm just stating it... just for the forums
  17. LOLz

    I rarely see you on the forums these days... busy???

  18. Dracu-Riot red haired tsundere!!! target sighted!!! XD
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