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Everything posted by Ryu

  1. I'm planning to buy it by the end of september, I'm entering exams period and If I buy it right now my grades will be catastrophic, so I'm going to wait one more month. I will keep the Guild in mind, save one spot for me lol.
  2. Some translators want to save themselves the trouble with hacking game engines so they just translate and upload on youtube. Technically is the same thing as if you have the game in your PC and put it in "auto-read". Some people don't like it that way but it's take it or leave it. Oreimo PSP and Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai Channel
  3. When you finish first route you don't have to load up a saved have, you have to start from the begining... Zero Saga(Haruno route) We might have met somewhere Haruna's lunch Higher Floor Once you finish this route instead of New Game option you should get Heaven Saga option. Heaven Saga(Ichimonji route) I dont know you Kazami's Lunch Lower Floor After finishing Heaven Saga you will have an option of starting Sky Saga. Sky Saga(Can be considered True Route) There is no option in Sky Saga, just enjoy your read.
  4. Ef is not a problem, The First Tale is just the first part of ef - a fairy tale of the two and the later tale is the second part of the same game, just download it from here and play it with NoNameLosers Patch, Mangagamer's version only has less censor on H-scenes, besides that, it's the same. As for Da Capo III, it didn't sold well because it's boring, nothing interesting happens in the VN, I barely finished D.C 2.
  5. I'm not so sure now that they have a partnership with MangaGamer. If they decide to licence it, it's possible. And for the moment, no, there are no translators working on it.
  6. Only Miyako route is missing so I don't see the problem, play it and ignore miyako, I did, hated her anyway.
  7. For those who want to know how MG's sales went, how they pick up VNs, etc. A summary of all MG's status. MangaGamer's Summary (By Yirba): Explanation of MangaGamer and visual novels How MangaGamer came about Problems with pricing Lots of people interested in VNs, but sales are considerably less Hardcopy sales do about the same as online sales; sales have doubled MangaGamer is focussed on PC releases, not mobile releases Selecting titles to license is like a round-table discussion between staff who speak both English and Japanese, i.e. Kouryuu and one other (EvoSpace?) L
  8. Update for Princess Maker 5 http://tlwiki.org/index.php?title=Princess_Maker_5 Kind of old, but in case someone didn't know.
  9. That is not the game he is translating, he just puts random names of posible games but we will find out only when aroduc announces wich one is....and yes it will be uploaded here.
  10. You're welcome ^^ Only Eushully comes to mind, but only time will tell..... Also, for those who wonder why Baldr Sky is moving so slow
  11. ‡†~~VNs Translation Status~~†‡ Here will be posted the progress of VN translations The Updates will be in red so check them every sunday for updates. http://s.vndb.org/cv/45/7745.jpg 11eyes - overall progress 14423/50023 (28.8%) lines translated, Project stalled Acchi Muite Koi - 10% Translated Air - dropped by Edger, picked up by Sheeta Aiyoku no Eustia - Fione @ 97% re-translated/edited, Eris @ 5% translated Akai Ito - Yumei's route released, Nozomi route fully inserted,Uzuki route 40% inserted, 14300/21674 (65.98%) overall inserted, last untranslated arc being tr
  12. Never7 Patch released Download it here
  13. Ummm that's norwegian dude, mind translating that for us?
  14. First they have to translate Da Capo 3 and Shin Koihime Musou
  15. Let me join speculation xD The only companies I know that put out short expansion discs for their games are Eushully or KISS. So it must be one of the two =/
  16. I don't care what game will be but I know Aroduc always translate awesome titles with gameplay, that's the only thing I care about lol. When I first saw the art I tought of BaseSon, characters have pretty similar desings to Koihime Musou art.
  17. Probably a month or so..... It's not just editing, it has to go through quality control and beta-testing.
  18. Are you a JAST employee or something? Wow, a fix patch, a fix for bugs that shouldn't be there.....there's something called Quality Control you know, besides, they don't translate shit, they have TLwiki for that or any other translator stupid enough to give them his work to be stalled forever.
  19. I'm hate JAST USA with my very soul too, but I'm going to be imparcial here: 1- The difference between JAST and MangaGamer is that MG bieng already a subsidiary of four big japanese companies and their sub-lavels, they have an full array of games ready to be translated with the approval of the companies, JAST do not have this luxury, when they approach the companies this is what happens: They approach them, explaining their knowledge of the U.S. market and what they can do for them, allowing their game to be legitimately played by fans all over the world. It usually comes down to the
  20. ‡†~~VNs Translation Status~~†‡ Here will be posted the progress of VN translations The Updates will be in red so check them every sunday for updates. http://s.vndb.org/cv/40/440.jpg 11eyes - overall progress 14423/50023 (28.8%) lines translated, Project stalled Acchi Muite Koi - 10% Translated Air - dropped by Edger, picked up by Sheeta Aiyoku no Eustia - chapter 2 10% translated Akai Ito - Yumei's route released, Nozomi route fully inserted,Uzuki route 40% inserted, 14300/21674 (65.98%) overall inserted, last untranslated arc being translated by original translator
  21. Idols Galore is what you're looking for. Idols Galore! | Eroge Download
  22. Finally I'm cured and off to work, expect the new thread by 03:00 A.M (GTM-4)
  23. 1. The reason I dislike Sekai is because before she even set Makoto and Katsura up she already knew that she liked Makoto but she sets them up anyway then tried to steal Makoto away from Katsura and then she has all her buddies gang up on Katsura. Also It was her fault that we got a nice boat ending if you know what I mean. And Kotonoha, god, grab everything that makes a human being sad, mix it up and you have Kotonoha, she kind of irradiates sadness microwaves that makes me want to shoot myself in my left eye. The most WTF? part was when Makoto asked her why she got together with Ta
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