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Everything posted by Melancholic

  1. I do have this, but I only played it once or twice and genuinely had no idea what I was doing. Plus, my Xbox controller was kicking my ass (d-pad won't work). Fighting games are my kryptonite. :V Edit: It's available here, for those who want to challenge Yachi.
  2. IX, VI, IV and VIII. But mostly IX. Great setting, great characters, main character isn't an ass, great music. And what's with the utterly random selection for the poll? Where are the classics? Why are there false games in there?
  3. Second Nanoha movie. Squee! I have no shame.
  4. This is a super awesome game, despite a million bugs and glitches. Troika Games went defunct before they could really finish it, and it shows, but it's still almost at the level of classic Bioware. Make sure to play through it at least twice: once as a Malkavian, and once as anything else.
  5. The only gratification I'm getting out of this is that it might kill The Old Republic, which opens up possibilities for a proper new Knights of the Old Republic game.
  6. AppLocale enables Windows to read non-unicode (i.e. hiragana) filepaths for the target program. Simply put, it prevents 平仮名 from being read as "???". Xpadder is the only way to play many Japanese games with an Xbox 360 controller. They really hate that gaijin d-pad.
  7. It's quite hard to find an Ishikei image that's not porn.
  8. For the moment I can't find a host that will let me upload giant files, so yay links: 1, 2, 3 They are all of the tail erotica variety, so you may want to click.
  9. I've just returned from the hospital, and it wasn't as bad as I expected. Of course, I'll probably be pain when the numbness goes away in a few hours. Joy! My wisdom teeth are also messed up in that the lower ones are completely horizontal, which means they have to be chipped away at with a saw before they can be pulled. The surgeon didn't think it wise to do both sides at once, so I'm returning in May to have the left half pulled.
  10. Sweaters, one of my many weaknesses.
  11. I'm rather nervous. My wisdom teeth are to be removed tomorrow. Problem is they're not so much being pulled as they are being cut out (by a surgeon, not a dentist), because of how they're embedded in the flesh. I will be sedated in such a way that it causes my tongue to go completely numb, which is apparently a horrifying experience. Yeah.
  12. I know, right? "Real" girls are all fleshy, and they poop and grow old. Ewww. Introducing: a swimsuit.
  13. Glad you like it! :) Their videos always make me smile. There are many more on YouTube.

  14. Melancholic

    Monster Girl Quest 2

    I can explain at least the extraction errors: WinRar renames the files because they're in a folder with a non-unicode filename, which it cannot deal with because western software hates Japanese. This only affects certain user made scenarios, not the main game. No idea about the startup crash, though. Have you previously saved your game at a time it wasn't allowed, or entered a different name for the save?
  15. I don't play any either. They tend to be full of people.
  16. I'm not in favor of "real" girls being posted here, because that's what the other 98% of the internet is already for. Not that anyone should care about my opinion. Homunculus' god-tier Rei from an equally god-tier doujin.
  17. Senjougahara. Feet. Tony Taka. Anatomy. Omnomnom.
  18. ^ What he said. Right click to hug, hold down to (attempt to) initiate hentai scene based on your current position.
  19. Of course not! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VpNvGNRlFaE U.N. Owen was four masked Japanese Irishmen and a soulless horse?
  20. Before anything can happen, you first need to hug them about 50 times to raise their ecchi level. Having lunch with them, sleeping in the same bed, and stalking them also increase this. It is an extremely realistic game mechanic!
  21. Heh, at least 90% of my time in that game is spent creating characters and clothes. I'm not so much a cool sexual deviant as I'm playing with dolls, really.
  22. Maybe it's to keep Xbox users from being butthurt about PC players getting a feature they don't. It's "their" franchise, after all, "best" on their platform. I saw a post about the lack of text chat on the BioWare forums the other day, and it was ridiculed from the start because "you wouldn't have time to type, anyway". All a vanguard really needs is fully upgraded biotic charge and all the cooldown reducing traits you can muster. Just spam charge and you'll be almost completely invulnerable in bronze and the first half of a a silver match. Charging anything in gold is suicide. An asari v
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