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Everything posted by Cru3l

  1. OMA, I don't know if he is referring him self on offensive or someone else's, but for this to make any sense he him self has to explain this part before any of this can make any sense. (Referring to that edit you made on his sentence)
  2. hmm... It would be when you're acting like a stupid-person/retard. Does that clear your question?
  3. I've been playing "Dust: An Elysian Tail"(PSPlus game) and I tried playing "Spelunky" can't get past some ghost on the first lvl its instadeath once I get near the door... so, I gave up on that.
  4. I had to read this multiple time to comprehend wtf was stated... still don't know wtf it means. "If some one politely asks (you) to stop doing something (you) find offensive and rude multiple times and you don't stop, does that make you a jack ass?" if you found it offensive why post it your self... I have to say, you're either messing with that person or yes, you're being a jackass.(In your terms)
  5. Come on guys can't you see he's singing the ♫ABC's... why must you ostracize him!
  6. Cru3l

    Hey stranger, HB all that other stuff... here have a cookie.(That's all i got since we all know the cake is a lie.)

  7. You reading the summaries for Re:monster or the japanese copies/raws? Since days 70-90 are missing and the others only have the summaries.

  8. So today was the day you came out of the womb. Well, people celebrate that... so, HB fox.

  9. Panda, my man... what you been up to besides showing up on people doorsteps.

  10. PSN: Cruel-Kun Steam: Cruel-Kun XBL: Just ask(PM) for XBL, I might give it to you. I'm doing this because I created a new PSN account and I have no friends on it... so, yeah.
  11. I would resize it, but meh... I d't feel like doing it. http://i.imgur.com/GUAfLZ2.jpg [spoiler=Alf's pic removed the text] http://i.imgur.com/INfFeav.jpg
  12. Cru3l


    Yep, once you focus on one girl you must follow that route to get the girl that you want. Yeah, once you're done with one route it will send you back to the main screen. Well, you can skip thing's you've already read and do the next one, that's what I did.
  13. Before anything else, have you changed you local to japanese?
  14. Cru3l


    WOW Its been a while since I played/read CLANNAD... so, I don't remember much about it. If I remember it right, then you played fuko's route. (Her route ends with the starfish in her hand, then it fades into the credits.... if I'm correct) You can use the walkthrough(their is a better one, but I can no longer find it.)
  15. Its fucking hot, hot as fucK! To make matters worse I have to deal with it raining at night.... fucking humidity! How much I hate the sun, I wish it would just vanish. Yes, I would like the earth to freeze over than have to deal with this peas of shit sun.
  16. ~I finally join the party or whatnot.~ ~Here is my contribution for the thread.~ http://i.imgur.com/9UH0ffB.jpg
  17. Hey there welcome to the forums and what not. Portugai... never heard of it. Well, see you around! oh yeah, drop by at the SB anytime. Not a hostile place whatsoever, its a friendly place where you can sit around and drink tea with everyone.
  18. Its been a while, but hey... time for me to post something on here, right? Lolz I wonder how many people will actually see this text that is in plain (sight) and the hi9den text.
  19. http://i.imgur.com/vaxMKXq.png "nrthrmlr tcvyrty" that's what I see, who knows some of them look like a "n" and some look like "m" yeah kind of bullshit. How much I hate captcha, use a torrent or something.
  20. Cru3l

    I just see it as another manga that went from good to bad, just like many others.


    Yep. Same here, It has to have romance or I'll most likely not read it. But there are some exceptions here and there. Finding a good harem manga is quite rare... well, for me it is.




    I have to agree, most of the stuff made in the states don't interest me. I like their style, customs etc.

  21. Cru3l

    Don't take me as someone normal, I am rather picky on the stuff I like... one of the major things is "It must make me think, to the point I don't know whats going to happen next"(Not that many series do that)

    Yeah, I hate it when they derive from the story. Sometimes it ends up being much better than the original one, but its rare for one to end up like that.


    I know what you're saying... I'm in chp254 and the reason I put it on hold was because of 2 reasons 1.) Was waiting for it to have more chp translated 2.) I was kind of getting bored of it.

    I only have like 2 chp left in "Sora" and I don't feel like reading them... I just don't want it to end!

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