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Gerard the Lone Wolf

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Everything posted by Gerard the Lone Wolf

  1. Wth..Rapeplay isn't a VN or Anime. This is against the rule! ( ಠ ಠ )
  2. Next one. http://s.vndb.org/sf/52/9252.jpg
  3. Correct. Now next one! http://s.vndb.org/sf/15/7515.jpg Private teacher? Fufufufu~~
  4. ^ 5/10 There's an error? @bastard What to do, I'm sooo unpredictable~~ And thanks for your concern about my sig. I don't even know whether I'm going to add some more or not. It all depend on the Goddess will.
  5. Implying that I don't intend to add some more into it. Oh, you fix my post. Good slave, good.
  6. Yep. Next. http://s.vndb.org/sf/99/9299.jpg
  7. Watched the 1st and 2nd episodes, and I was hugely disappointed. This is nowhere near the level of Battle Royale. Meh.
  8. http://s.vndb.org/sf/22/11322.jpg Hrmm...
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