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Everything posted by pramit

  1. I'll go with FATE- EXTRA. JOKES ASIDE, i haven't played Umineko yet, so i'll go with alternative. Its like they said, there is no alternative to alternative
  2. i heard that some would rather wait for the full patch of little busters EX, instead of playing regular little busters now. The reasoning is that you might miss some scenes in little busters EX if you decide to skip the main story and go straight for the new chars.
  3. mordekaiser es numero uno



  4. ?? http://i.imgur.com/eXOPCv7.png immediately after- http://i.imgur.com/CqEWcZm.png
  5. pramit

    Kamidori Alchemy Meister

    hm..do you have some characters that are acting as clerks? this might be the problem. Get them off of clerk duty and, this thread https://erogegames.com/eroge-visual-novels/eroge-general-talk/397-kamidori-alchemy-meister-come-here-help-others-seeking-help-others/ although i have never faced this particular situation, i have faced similar, and i don't think there is any way around it(you can't prioritize). One of the downsides of this game
  6. period feels bland(not completed it yet) but i'll put this here The screenshot shows the average comic relief character that we all know of, and his horrendous fate http://i.imgur.com/C26cZBx.png
  7. i voted fate, otherwise i would have voted for chaos head or little busters! honestly, i am not very good at picking favorites..if you give me two or three masterpiece of a vn, its hard for me to vote. But i voted fate, because its the first visual novel that i played, so it has a special place in my heart
  8. yea princess waltz and its annoying card game that you cannot skip. did not like which one? i liked the red princess, the one with a haughty attitude
  9. hanachirasu is not all ages, but i definitely recommend it true remembrance red shift quartett! - again, not all ages
  10. [spoiler=My girlfriend is the president]...
  11. pramit

    A forum RPG

    looking forward to the product
  12. I'd be worried about myself if that happens. But it would be a interesting place to experiment
  13. greetings i still have battle moon wars in my desktop, i hope to finish it one day ( ). It gets really repetitive after a while, this is why i stopped playing it. little busters is my fav key VN. i hope you enjoyed refrain part of the route. as for what i am doing currently, i started period which is a visual novel by littlewitch. The art style reminds me of quartett!, which i liked a lot.
  14. this website is always down, that cloudflare thing Uuuu:mad:
  15. i voted hitomi cuz i like dark vn's and hitomi's plight. Though i also want to vote for kamidori because it kept me addicted for 120+ hours with its gameplay. I always prefer story>gameplay, especially if gameplay in question has repeated grinding like kamidori. ultimately, i haven't read the 4 other :S
  16. completed snow sakura. Mediocre is the best word to describe it. 5/10? i laughed at some of the comic parts. Predictable story. going to finish some of the remaining vn's(the ones i have only a little bit left) and/or start Sekien no Inganock | Eroge Download
  17. fate stay night, the saber ending is the saddest thing i have ever watched. I watched it in 2006(at that time, i only watched very few anime, and did not know about the existence of vn), and it had serious emotional impact at that time. I still remember how i felt at that time.....sigh clannad after story, very emotional and something i can relate with
  18. ahem greetings, I apologize for the late introduction, things have been a bit..busy, with this being exam season and some unknown spirit trying to kill taiga when she sleeps. You may already know me as saber. Of course i'm not actually saber(surprise surprise). I am a human who lives in south asia(india), and my name is..pramit(i bet you didn't see this coming). I only recently started using these forums. I have a list of recommended vn's(pretty much all vn's i have read went to that list except a few bad ones), that i shamelessly advertise at every possible opportunity, you may view it
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VVqvSYFN9XQ&list=UUZr-E1lFSZVLsMVwIvuWWyw&index=2
  20. i was hesitating to post my speed..since it is the fastest in the mortal world..but, my patience has reached its limit BEHOLD http://www.speedtest.net/result/2417391185.png
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