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Everything posted by pramit

  1. pramit

    Memory's Dogma CODE:01

    as a biology student pursuing neuroscience, this game is of interest to me.
  2. Karakara was pretty decent. I am sure i had some more nauced review, i need to start keeping records of my thoughts for particular vn's. Its worth playing. The art is nice, the music is really good, and its a short story that ends abruptly. Is it worth buying? Not for me it isn't (then again, i am used to not buying any software)
  3. why? why is this all ages?! brain: okay, i read somewhere that it adds 2 routes. Then its okay..i think.. penis : no
  4. 24 hours a day is too little for you
  5. I have a different opinion. I think it was really good. The first route is the best route. Chisato is not annoying, she is a important character with regards to the protagonist and i think the writers were too lazy and wrote off her interactions in other routes. The other routes are okayish, the characters are more nuanced than your average VN story. I think the best part of this VN was the voice actors, they were excellent (especially chisato during mifuyu's route). The plot is..well...good. Its predictable, but good. There is only one abnormal route, but the rest are pretty normal and believ
  6. i have not yet seen a VN that does this, but i believe that its gonna happen someday in the future and we will be sorry for all our sins, the day of judgement for people like me who never buy visual novels and don't support developers
  7. i am downloading the second volume of nekopara(https://erogegames.com/neko-para-vol-2-~shimai-neko-no-shukure~-747/). I admit i am only in it for the animated cat like ladies that are sometimes scantily dressed.
  8. grisaia, fate, alternative, https://vndb.org/u40913/list?c=all;v=0;t=-1;o=d;s=vote
  9. Omg neko para volume 2 why did no one inform me of this omg i can'twaittoplayitgoodbyefuturecareer
  10. i recently downloaded tears to tiara. The voices only work in certain scenes, mostly the major plot scenes. The filler scenes(character interaction) don't usually have voices, including the h scenes. Is this normal? And the extra's menu doesn't seem to unlock either as i unlock new h scenes. Is that normal too? am i a normal person?
  11. i have always complained about that scene(involving the sensei). You could say it adds to the "shock" factor that is needed when you engaging the beta. But personally, i think its cheap screamer like scene. But that is just my personal opinion. I guess it does what its supposed to do - give you a sense of what the protagonist had to go through.
  12. thanks for answering. Already knew that..which is why i asked..but thanks nonetheless Is rajesh the steryotypical indian name now?
  13. How do i enter a japanese institute with 3 years bachelor of science degree? Most of them seem to accept 4 year degrees its ok if u dont know the answer to this question
  14. i am playing majkoi. My aim is to finish at least one VN before this semester break ends.
  15. i am posting here, so that i can fap to the picture of saber on the screen
  16. https://vndb.org/v66 - although it starts out as normal, this vn is a bit philosophical and its not as easy to understand as "My girlfriend is the president". It fits most of the criteria. https://vndb.org/v15538 - this is nekopara. https://vndb.org/v870 - i dont know why i am suggesting this, but i think you will find treasure if you look beyond those 4 points
  17. 村上 Murakami (above the village) 燈路 Hiro (stray path) this is true. I am above village and i walk the stray path
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