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Everything posted by zokoxex

  1. Of course people would translate for money. If someone offered to pay you for coming to this site, you would in a heartbeat. If you like a fantranslator try donating to them or something. They dont necessarily expect any money though and thats why people like them.
  2. zokoxex


    just run the taskforce.exe
  3. nukiges are all about the sex scenes and iffy on story parts. Yumina does have gameplay but dont expect another with gameplay anytime soon
  4. check out the Legend of Krystal forums, they are all about the RPG maker games
  5. aww no Cannon Ball neko neko update. And they were doing so well lately
  6. This makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
  7. Playing: Skipping through random nukiges for the cg Looking forward to: Kitty Cat Cannon Ball (Cannon Ball Neko Neko thing...ITS GOT CAT LOLIS) Rance Quest (i love a good rpg)
  8. how the hell did you get an error in japanese? its a translated game
  9. Start Menu>Control Panel>Change keyboards or other input methods>Administrative Tab>Change System Locale basically makes it so your computer registers the japanese kana as words and not fucked up text
  10. Unless they are good at drawing dicks they should keep them censored. If the are good at drawing dicks....i have some bad news
  11. Otsumu Tenten...seducing lolis is difficult when you dont know what you're saying
  12. Vagrant Soldier Ares.....i cant help myself from loving it
  13. There really isnt anyone translating it now. Its still pretty fun to play, especially if you know at least some japanese.
  14. I know this isnt translated but there is an interface patch and i think it would be nice to have a place to download the game. Also LOLI LOLI LOLIS EVERYWHERE
  15. Why must MangaGamer keep secrets from us? ;__;
  16. zokoxex

    Yumina the Ethereal

    HNNG vn's with gameplay....my second weakness
  17. they aren't on the site mostly because they are not translated. If you want im sure someone can give you links to where you can find them though.
  18. zokoxex

    Harukoi Otome

    If you are comparing it to a nukige like Virgin Roster then....yeah its big
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