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Everything posted by OneManArmy

  1. Of course. Up to now they can save a lot of time with not drawing detailed genitalia.
  2. Woops! Oh well, whatever... Agreed, there are a lot of awesome americans out there, the only thing that sucks for sure is their goverment.
  3. Reminds me that the reason for having sex in f/sn was pretty dumb.
  4. OneManArmy


    Well I didn't like the story that much, especially the ending, but the battle system was definitely amazing.
  5. True and don't you have to finish at least one route for unlocking sora's?
  6. Lucky bastard, 1/5 of all german politicians voted for yes...kill them all.
  7. If somebody's interested, here are the voting statistics : VoteWatch.eu European Parliament - Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement between the EU and its Member States, Australia, Canada, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Mexico, Morocco, New Zealand, Singapore, Switzerland and the USA Thumbs up for poland, 49/51 voted against acta, the other two didn't vote.
  8. Count me in for that. Sora's route ftw!
  9. Rome Total War 2 bitches! It'll be so fuckin awesome! And the best thing, my pc won't be able to play it! HELL YEAH!!! \o/
  10. Good stuff, be prepared for a lot of randomness~!
  11. I'm currently listening to the sound of rain, just beautiful. I hate rain though.
  12. OneManArmy

    Dengeki Stryker

    I don't have good memories of edelweiss though, I blame mangagamer's first translation for it. So yeah, comedy's always a good thing but I need more informations. Like the story itself, what the hell is this visual novel about? Or the chars, are they good or just simple? The music, awesome or lame? You know, stuff like this. On the other hand, I won't find time to play visual novels the next weeks anyway...so why am I even asking this shit? Stupid me.
  13. OneManArmy

    Dengeki Stryker

    Okay guys! I'm way too lazy to read through all those comments but I'm nevertheless interested in something like a review. So is this game any good? I didn't like kira kira and deardrops that much and didn't want to play another game which I won't like. So yeah, would be awesome if someone can give me some tasty informations. In love, Granny. ;-*
  14. Woops! That's not what I wanted to say. I was talking about normal pc games like rpg and stuff. In my childhood I prefered to play as a male character because I wanted to be that guy, the same goes NOT for visual novels. It's actually the other way around. I never put myself into the shoes of the protagonist, I want to read/see the story from an outside position. Oh and I also played an otome game btw, The Second Reproduction, wasn't that bad, doesn't contain any real love scenes though.
  15. True and so I asked him for his hair stylist; wrote a shitload of mails but never got an answer. It seems that he's not able to craft an email. Upgrade your workshop wil, dammit! This just means he's a fuckin maid of all work. It's like being a restaurant chief who's still washing plates, makes no sense. Hey nothing against his harem, there are some awesome girls (most of them have big boobs though). But rance's way more manlier than wil, that's for sure.
  16. Same goes for yukino (or however she was called), be sure to play her route too.
  17. I'm not gonna lie here, I don't know ANY of those chars...so no voting point from me.
  18. Very interesting topic. In the old days I prefered male chars just because. No seriously, I've no idea why but probably because I wanted to be that character. But these days I choose the gender randomly. You've many games were female chars looks way better. Well I tend to play as male chars though. Anyway, as for visual novels, I don't care about the gender of the protagonist. I had my doubts, played sharnoth and had no problems with mary. Actually, I found her fuckin hot. But I think that I don't want to read sex scenes through the eyes of a female char...nah.
  19. Oh no, he is. Seriously, I never liked him as a char. I mean he increases his rank but still helps every fuckin person out there? Oh I need some milk. NO PROBLEM!!! Wil is here! I've tha power!!! Dammit, it would be so awesome to play as a badass version of wil (something like rance lol) and do shit with yuidora. Oh and he sucks in 80% of the battles.
  20. Well the solution's maybe obvious but it's hard to mobilize your country in some days isn't it? And if your troups aren't able to reach the battlefield in the right time then it's totally stupid to declare war on another country because you'll be crushed afterwards. Mel never had an own army though. Dunno but I can't remember her being an important/high ranked person in the elven world. A peace treaty isn't an alliance.
  21. Okay I finished your visual novel just now and well...what should I say? It was all about boobs and girls. And that art looked like an anime, right? Anyway, it was short, senseless and funny, nothing to add.
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