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Everything posted by ChexGuy

  1. Kaminomi, Inu x Boku, and Haganai are the the only ones I'm caught up with. I've been trying to keep up with Arpeggio of Blue Steel and I think I'll start Yozakura Quartet.
  2. ChexGuy

    Random Games

    Bought Fairy Bloom Freesia on Steam ages ago and only just started playing it. The difficulty ramp-up is pretty steep, but it plays great with an arcade stick.
  3. "extremely high" compatibility with desi. cool. also am I the only one who's seen Madoka Rebellion? D:
  4. Gundam SEED 9, Nichijou 4. I'm fairly certain I have to murder you in your sleep.
  5. Yeah, because Angel Beats was so well written, what with the whole "shadows" bullshit and that guy with Kaworu Nagisa's VA. He was such an important character and not a random-ass plot device they stuck in last minute. They didn't even give him a fucking name.
  6. My list has always been linked with the gif in my sig :B http://myanimelist.net/animelist/ChexGuy Nobody can handle my sheer variety. This might put you off, but the comedic parts of the series are really the best part of it. The forced drama and all the other poorly written shit in the latter third of the series really bring it down. EDIT: You dropped Baccano and PaniPoni. You're dead to me.
  7. http://www.majhost.com/gallery/Smile-Man/misc/desktop1-6-2014.png
  8. ChexGuy

    Random Games

    Croixleur is a doujin game, one of few localized by Nyu. It got Greenlit, so whenever they'd like to release it you can buy it on Steam or right now on their website to support them. ...meanwhile I have the DRM-free version my brother bought sitting on my hard drive.
  9. Refrain was meh. The first series' first half was decent, second half was pretty dumb.
  10. Coppelion is finally over, but I'm only halfway through the last episode. Fuck this series.
  11. gotta use a name for that one Nguyen
  12. that doesn't start with IO though.
  13. It's a little after midnight. UPS owes me a bajillion dollars.
  14. Ok UPS guy. Go to the house to the right of mine, then to house to the left. Then leave. And don't deliver my package, but leave the tracking status as "on vehicle for delivery," implying you completely overlooked it in the truck. I don't mind at all.
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