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Everything posted by ChexGuy

  1. I've got three models on the backburner, one of them isn't Bandai but I also don't have time. I want to paint all three of them.
  2. steph is the only reason to watch this show, sora's a cunt and shiro is completely one-dimensional
  3. thanks mate

  4. Hamatora and Wizard Barristers were worse than Mahou Sensou overall. Mahou Sensou and Hamatora tied for worst ending.
  5. Male MCs almost always suck and Setsuna was definitely annoying, but you must not watch a lot of stuff if they were the worst for you. I can name several others who are a lot worse. And yeah, this is an adaption of the Introductory Chapter which I haven't read either but it's currently being translated. It'd be hard to not adapt it well, it's completely straightforward according to VNDB. The branching routes are in the significantly longer Closing Chapter.
  6. wow what White Album 2 was decent it was rage-inducing a lot of times, yeah, but it wasn't offensively bad like a lot of other VN adaptions.
  7. nonono armor separation in terms of kits means the pieces that make up the armor. In the RG line there's more separation than usual to give it that realistic look.

  8. Something like the armor separation being a little too much so the parts don't feel sturdy. I dunno, I don't have it. I have the Zeta and the GP01, though.

  9. 2014 will forever be known as the year that I was forced to raise the ratings of Gundam SEED and SEED Destiny on my list. Not because I re-evaluated them to be better than I originally thought... ...but because there were shows that were worse.
  10. http://i.imgur.com/hkuvCy7.png


    I hear the RX-78-2 feels flimsy :V

  11. that whole "you go to a stupidly expensive school" thing combined with "you suck at studying and time management" and the "academic probation" thing don't go well together.
  12. I relocated. Same desk, though. Less space because I never bothered to clear it off. EDIT 5/23: I replaced the stick and buttons on my Q1 so I have a newer picture that's lower quality. Also you can see more. http://i.imgur.com/ZJ1mqrh.jpg
  13. all you weirdos and your bishoujos n' shit http://www.majhost.com/gallery/Smile-Man/misc/desktop3-6-2014.png ok maybe I have some lolis in there too http://i.imgur.com/5YNkBtj.jpg
  14. You can now see how many things I'm watching this season because I'm fucking stupid and I watch everything. Half the reason I watched the movies was to hear Mirai during one of Mami's transformation scenes because best girl. also: [spoiler=cool stuff I got from the screening]http://i.imgur.com/p8Jqrku.jpg
  15. Click my sig. PSN is TheChexGuy It's a Japanese PSN, I don't use it much.
  16. ChexGuy

    Random Games

    Grief Syndrome + arcade controller = fun. Also IKARUGA'S OUT ON STEAM, MOTHERFUCKERS
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