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Everything posted by ChexGuy

  1. That's....not how the world works. At all. I mean...is this supposed to make someone who has offended you back off and say "SORRY I DIDN'T KNOW THAT YOU HAVE RIGHTS!"? Yeah no they'd laugh at you and go back to what they were doing in spades. also context pls
  2. this is bait and I'm going to take it your taste is shit and you should feel like shit
  3. ushinwareta miraiadaslkdj long fucking title has godawful animation. some of the shots of characters are clearly traced over CG. not too sure about its plot yet, though the pacing seems pretty terrible
  4. In case anyone else is curious: the head of the production team for Cross Ange is Mitsuo Fukuda, who directed Gundam SEED. Considering how fucking shit Gundam SEED was, it's clear that everything he touches is predestined to end up in a shithole. I wrote a quick summary of episode 1's events on another forum which I'll copy-paste real quick: [spoiler=ChexGuy's unorthodox Cross Ange ep 1 plot summary]Cold opening with your birdy motorcycle mech things flying and Nana Mizuki singing and HOLY SHIT DRAGONS. Some crazy angles going on here, fanservice lolololol. Also the birdy mech things transf
  5. rating cross ange above g-reco rofl what a shitlord
  6. same 'ol http://puu.sh/bqhhC/960d965c55.png
  7. Bandai models are generally a lot friendlier because they don't absolutely require glue - the pieces are made so that they fit together (usually) although most people use cement for seam lines and stuff.
  8. I started building that non-bandai model and...well, it's a completely different dimension from Bandai models. The parts are smaller, they don't just fit together and need glue/cement, and the kit would look pretty crap straight out of the box so I'll need to paint it. I've been cementing the head together. http://puu.sh/bawtE/f02864c12b.png
  9. suddenly mechs http://i.imgur.com/2K9kGYR.jpg
  10. I don't play that game a whole lot. Never had the creativity for building. Mostly looked at other peoples' stuff or played deathmatches/other game modes.
  11. trying to do a run of Cave Story with no health capsules started Symphony of the Night and Order of Ecclesia trying to finish MS Saga and Super Robot Wars OG
  12. I clicked it and saw a mech and then I saw boobs.
  13. no routes, unless you count the bad end from guessing wrong too many times
  14. using bing for hentai is like using a calculator to build a sand castle
  15. ChexGuy

    Amusement Park

    Not in the English version, no.
  16. Really? Really! and uh, does War of the Human Tanks count?
  17. you know the age of consent in japan is like 13 or some shit, right?
  18. Don't watch SEED. It fucking sucks. And imo, the Freedom > Strike Freedom but both would look better without the wings.
  19. if you're not painting a model, I think panel lines are really the least you can do
  20. I feel like fucking things up and posting something that is a piano track from an OST. Maybe later.
  21. apparently it's a lot less happy-go-lucky than Overdrive's other titles.
  22. "OST" is a definitive genre ok switch
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