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someguy withaname

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Everything posted by someguy withaname

  1. Yeah, you caught me on that one harle . lol I played an assassin type in all three too, I switch out the race depending on how I'm feeling though sometimes. I've never been one for the brute force approach or magic so it fits me pretty well. I loved the thief and assassin guild quests in both Oblivion and Skyrim, even though I liked Oblivion's thieves guild quests a bit more to be honest. That's cool that you like Cicero too, most of my friends didn't like him but I thought he was a pretty interesting character personally, definitely more so than many others in the game.
  2. I was reading the thread about TESs and a comment about Fallout made me realize that we do not have a thread for Fallout in the Games Lobby. So here it is for everyone to discuss and enjoy: I have not played the first two Fallout games so I am missing half of the games but I liked New Vegas better than 3. The mechanics were more refined and there were more opportunities for customizing your character. I also liked going back to the west and meeting up with the New California Republic a lot as well. They were mentioned throughout the lore a lot but you never get a chance to see the Repub
  3. I've played Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim so far and I only finished Oblivion's main quest line, too many side quests that are so much better than main story in my opinion. Still lost several hundred hours of my life though on all three, especially Skyrim training my dark elf Assassin. For Skyrim I had him specialize in daggers and using the bow and arrow and he could literally one shot everything, on default difficulty at least, pre-dawnguard with a dagger sneak attack once I got glass gear and I used his enchanting and smithing skills to max their stats. As for Oblivion, I liked how th
  4. Wow, I was literally gonna create a thread very similar to this today or tomorrow but it is already here so less work for me haha. Back to topic though, I really feel the same way about this subject in a lot of respects. I personally feel that Nukiges fill the role of fap material very well. They don't need to tell a great story because that is not their primary purpose. A story driven VN/Eroge however, that is about telling a story and not about H-scenes does not need them so much because that is not the message they are trying to send. For me, if I am reading a VN/Eroge for the stor
  5. Wow, sweet guys! OneManArmy, Ivan, Desi; thanks a ton for the recommendations. Edit: Too Gerard and Rin as well. Thanks for the recommendations guys
  6. Hey guys, I was just wondering if you guys could recommend any good short VNs, in this case meaning any that can be read in 8-10 hours or less. I have a new job coming up at the end of this month and my free time for the forseeable future will be very slim, o rewrite why must we always be kept apart. Any genre would be fine, I just really want to keep reading VNs during this interval but with so little free time to do so I don't want to lose immersion halfway through a good story if you know what I mean. Thanks in advance for the help guys.
  7. I can sympathize a lot with this. DLC very rarely does anything for me and if it is interesting it is usually something I can wait on until the price drops substantially. I think DLC was a good idea initially but it has been overexploited by too many companies, especially when a DLC comes out that should have been part of the original game in the first place. I personally think that consoles will fade from the mainstream as time goes on. There will probably still be hybrid pcs/consoles in the future, but it will likely not be mainstream and will be for more diehard gamers. There are qui
  8. Hey guys, Here is an article I just read today about game consoles and how many think they will be overcome in the future, with tablets and other mobile devices becoming more and more powerful. While I have seen other articles on other sites explaining this idea in more detail I thought this article highlighted the key points pretty well, so I was hoping I could see what everyone else thought about this subject if possible. Here is the link How and why consoles will die? Thread Update: New link about the upcoming PS4 here as well. Thanks goes to Sandremo for giving us even mo
  9. Happy Birthday wiitoy200!!! :)

  10. Ok, this is a subject I have heard on several game sites so far about The Legend Of Zelda Series. There are those that seem to be on one side of the fence and want it to be the same, then there are those that are on the other side and think it needs an overhaul. I was hoping to hear what the consensus was from the forum on this subject though. I know some might feel strongly about this issue so remember no knives, blunt objects, or firearms permitted on the thread at this time. If tempers start to flare look at this pic to cool down: http://i50.tinypic.com/nv8gh1.jpg
  11. Happy Birthday Azu-nyan!!!

  12. I actually read this article when it was first written and I don't think Microsoft intends on keeping this going indefinitely. It seems more like a scare tactic to me and once they get their point across they will likely back off a little at a time. I do think that there is a much larger issue here than sexism though and the writer chose to focus on the sexism part of it as it was the most obvious. It has to do primarily I think with a lack of respect from more immature individuals in general. If someone wants to play a game or make a post on an online forum why should they have to put u
  13. That is a pretty good point. An online poll is nice and all but it should not be the final decider on whether everyone agrees that these tropes are over done. My Japanese is still not very good so I can't read the original poll in its entirety, but what are the demographics of the voters in this poll anyway? Unless this is known the poll is ultimately useless as it can have too much potential bias.
  14. After just finishing this VN I have to agree with you and say how good I thought this VN was in my opinion. Here are my two cents about the VN: Plot- I liked the premise a lot. Music-The music was awesome in my opinion. I actually did not notice the music much while I was reading the VN. This, I think, says a lot about how good it was though because it fit SO well with the atmosphere and mood of the VN that it blended in with them perfectly and became part of the entire “experience”. Pros- intriguing story, awesome music, amazing atmosphere, interesting characters Cons- le
  15. I just clicked the music links and my conclusion is......I MUST DOWNLOAD THESE TRACKS!!! And your experiences through gifs part was hilarious! I really wonder if my expressions will be similar when I read this one hmm....... who knows but I know what I'm reading after I finish Saya's song now. lol
  16. OMG OneManArmy! You have not truly lived until you read through Ever 17's true ending! jkjk:) It messed me up for the rest of the day after I read it, all I could think was WTF everything I thought I knew was blown out the window in less than a few hours!
  17. Hi Ivan,


    I'm still kind of new here but I was wondering if we could maybe give the Introductions Thread a "sticky" status. It seems like it was just a fluke but when I joined the forum the introductions thread was on the third page of the General Discussions & Debates Forum section and I did not find it until several days after I became a member. I know that I'm new and that I can sometimes seem abrupt, first time being a part of an online forum and really shy by nature, but I am just trying to help out and I think that being able to find the introduction thread right away no matter what would make it easier for new members to get started off on the right foot. Also, from what I heard on the shoutbox it is a day later for you than for me but for what its worth Merry Christmas!

  18. Hmmm.... My final impression was that Ef was amazing. It had its weak points to be honest, but the overall story was nothing short of a work of art. My final impression of Yuuko well.... I'm sure my avatar kind of gives my opinion of her away.
  19. Hey everyone! My favorite anime is code geass and my favorite VN is Ever 17. My favorite heroine though will always be Yuuko from Ef. Hope we will get along well and hopefully get some more members in the future as well.
  20. I really liked your review a lot. I personally thought everything up to chapter 4 was decent but the story really came on strong in chapter 4. Although Ef was not my all time favorite VN it will probably have a special place in my heart no matter what I read from now on. BIG BIG BIG SPOILERS FOR EF
  21. Hey man I hope everything is going well on your end. I was reading some reviews on the forum and I was wondering if I could contribute to the review section in anyway as well. I won't have a lot of free time come February, with a new job starting up and all, to read many VNs so I want to try and help out as much as can now before I start to fall behind. I have read the entire KID trilogy as well as Clannad and several other VNs not listed yet and I would have no problem throwing my two cents in on these or any others. Are their any qualifications the forum uses to decide who can write a review or is anyone allowed too?

  22. O crap! I thought I did but I must have forgot. Editing it now sorry bout that
  23. Nice to have you here on the forum! Also, I won't spoil anything but Ef is awesome and I don't think you will be disappointed. Hmmm... I guess by seeing my avatar though you can tell I am slightly biased in regards to Ef lol
  24. My thoughts exactly. Perfect quote for that route. Another memorable moment for me from Ever 17: BIG
  25. Would it be possible to make the introductions thread a "sticky" though so its always one of the first threads seen. It may have just been a fluke but it was on the second or third page when I finally noticed it. If not, what would be the criteria for qualifying a thread for that status just for personal curiousity in the future.
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