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someguy withaname

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Everything posted by someguy withaname

  1. I'm a little late but this might be helpful to someone else. I played this one shortly after Ever 17 out of curiosity and found that while it was good it was definitely not Ever 17. As stated in the article that desi posted earlier, the slice of life aspect is alright but it wears on you after the first route or so. Each route has its own ups and downs but the Izumi Cure route is by far the best because, in true Ever 17 fashion, all the cards are laid on the table. There are also a few nods to Ever 17 as well in this game, maybe one about Remember 11 too but not quite sure, that will def
  2. This is awesome Harle. This is my favorite VN and you just made it even better. really really like this alot. Also would like to give my thanks to desi as well.
  3. Yeah I thought it was like Bible Black too except with the shoe being on the other foot. Definitely a spiritual successor, with a somewhat inferior story to the original. If your looking for more than just good fap material this is probably not going to be your cup of tea but if that is what you want then this is definitely one should check out. "C+"
  4. Geez I can't believe I just now found this thread sorry for not coming here first I'm 20 and from the U.S.A, well physically at least. Mentally I kind of diverged a bit. Favorite anime: Code Geass Favorite Visual Novel: Ever 17 Favorite game: Chrono Cross (Chrono Trigger extremely close second) Here is my official introduction. Hope I don't annoy you all too much with my wall of text habit. lol
  5. lol, I know it is a bad habit. Its only 1 page on word this time instead of two though, so I figure if I keep going then by the end of the week who knows, might even be able to post on the 3 word game thread.
  6. 吉国 Yoshikuni (good fortune country) 徹平 Koike (penetrating peace) Makes me feel like a point of interest in a travel catalogue for some reason. 坂本 Sakamoto (true hill) 克己 Katsumi (kind self) My real name for this one.
  7. Dang! I could not understand what was going on at all but I somehow found it hilarious. To answer your question yes. As long as there is something Japanese related. I saw Kanji so it counts. Edit: changed policy since this post. There are just too many good articles to limit it just to the content featured primarily on this forum so it is now all articles. They must still follow forum guidelines of course.
  8. I was cruising the threads and I came across several articles and websites that had been sourced by one member or another that I found interesting. The problem is that there are so many posts that your average user probably won't be able to find all of these interesting articles and websites that have been referred or referenced as they simply do not know they are out there on the forum. I was hoping that for this thread we could try and post whatever interesting articles and websites we know of or may find in the future. It doesn't matter what they are covering so long as the articles meet
  9. O man! the megaman zero series absorbed my life for awhile especially the second one, don't know how I forgot to list that one actually lol. It was so bad that I got to a point were I could beat the entire second game without taking a single hit. Now its been so long I don't think I could go 5 seconds without getting beat to death.
  10. I prefer uncensored personally. Its all part of the human body anyways and your going to see everything eventually.
  11. listening to heartful cry from P3 FES. One of the best battle themes I have heard for awhile, aside from that one track on the first corpse party. If you played the VN you can probably guess which one I'm talking about. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56f2Kt6IeZU
  12. I like to talk aloud to myself a lot when I am thinking about something I am really into. Good thing is people have bluetooths now so most people just assume I am on the phone. lol Don't get me wrong I am not talking to imaginary people or anything, it just helps me figure out a problem better if I can here my own voice while I'm thinking.
  13. I did not see a thread for this one and I was wondering what sort of older games everyone was into back in the day. Definition of Classic in this case would be anything before 2001. My favorite's list is: System shock Final Fantasy 7+8 Silent Hill Chrono Cross Zelda: Ocarina of Time Battletoads Spiderman-not sure about the rest of the game but the sidescroller were you could be venom as well and you had to fight carnage at some point and it was ridiculously hard. Sonic The Hedgehog series-up to and including Sonic and Knuckles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles-The one about traveling
  14. "Yes, let the hate flow through you." So passionate and so right in so many ways Switch.
  15. Lol Yandere for me. Is this not shaping up into an interesting situation.....hmm Dear someguy withaname, I've always admired your boyish hands. I think I...really really dislike you. -Love, imouto Well I hope my hands are boyish lol
  16. I can relate somewhat I think. I lived in a very religous area until a few years ago and even public school was flooded with religous values and beliefs. It wasn't necessarily a bad thing by itself, I am not religious but I can understand the appeal, but there where a lot of kids who were raised by extremist parents and for an eroge loving atheist like myself it was "difficult" to put things politely. Bullying aside though I wish more people would put aside such differences about and just agree to disagree. There are 7+ billion of us out there and who is anyone to say their way is the one
  17. http://www.speedtest.net/result/2376323970.png I can somewhat relate udizzle. You must have the patience of a saint.
  18. Walking around with skirt minus undergarments. Have no idea why but it is just awesome for me whenever I see it. A girl actually did that for my sake in real life, I would be putty in her hands.
  19. I tried understanding Ever 17 at first, I really did, then I started the true ending and I remember thinking wth! is going on. Every theory I had was completely blown by the first 4 hours. I figure there are some things mankind was never meant to fully understand.
  20. I'm not sure if this is the right place to put this but I really liked are back and forth and would like it if you would be my friend. I was worried for bit that I was not going to get a good debate going but you definitely made it fun. I'll be waiting in the winds later for some more so keep it coming. lol

  21. lol to everyone who mentioned the wall of text. I only planned to do one rebuttal for each person anyway because I know I can overtalk. I can go on and on about this and other things too so please forgive massive wall of text. Great back and forth though Gerard it was fun trying to find answers to all of your valid points, it gives a lot of food for thought for me later on and a good excuse to keep researching the subject as well.
  22. Real quick to Hyromaru before I begin again: I am definitely taking your word on that point, my dream is to go to Japan one day but I do not pretend to know all that much about Japanese culture outside of what gets brought to my own country, which is not as much as I would like. I do still want to go though because it’s my dream and gosh darn it I'm going to make it happen one way or another someday. I am still trying to figure out how to quote properly, newb here I know but I can do spoilers now so it’s a start, so I will retype the first part of what you responded to for now until I fin
  23. If it were my friends they wouldn't care because they accept me in all my weirdness. My dad probably wouldn't say anything but we would have some really awkward phone conversations for the next few.....lets see......years! My mom on the other hand already knows about my obsession and while she doesn't understand it, she also knows that it is something I feel strongly about and would not get mad or upset. If it were a complete stranger on the other hand it would not be a big problem unless it was some err... less than upstanding material of course. I purposely have a screen saver set up on
  24. I don't consider myself overly serious about things, although I have been told I talk and act extremely mature for my age and not in a good way. Although some of the bullying got to me a bit when I was younger, I've reached a point where I figure its much easier just being me than trying to be someone everyone else wants me to be. So I'm just gonna keep playing eroge and spouting off sentences like I'm an old man until I really am one lol.
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