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Everything posted by desi

  1. Yep, looks like they did update it a bit late. Translation progress 25709/54285 (47.4%), Editing progress 23269/54285 (42.9%)
  2. Nothing much this week, just some steady progress. Rance had a pretty big jump... was hoping SubaHibi would increase another 12% like last week
  3. desi


    I was thinking about purchasing this. Looks like the game + extra stuff like the artbook and soundtrack that I probably won't listen to anyways is on sale for $28 on amazon. Definitely looks pretty unique. Might bite on it, we'll see.
  4. On top of the erogegames home page on the forum
  5. No problem, I'm in the shoutbox right now. I think I can help you better there. Just shout out something and i'll respond.
  6. If you extracted the files from the 6 parts, you don't choose the .iso file from part 1. After extracting the files, the .iso file should be in the folder that you extracted to. So when you go to mount the image, you'll see an actual .iso file that you have to choose and not a .iso file from part 1.
  7. Just click the start logo and click on computer. Look at the "Devices with removable storage". One of them should say syarin, which is the .ISO file that you mounted. Just double click that.
  8. Did you extract the 6 parts using an extraction tool like Winrar? Extract the first part and select "extract here" or a folder at your chosen location. Use daemon tools and mount the .iso file and a window should pop up. If it doesn't, just go to start - computer - and you should see the disc that got mounted.. just click on that and launch set up that way (if a window didn't pop up when you first mounted the .iso file) After going through the installation, just download the patch and drag the patch file to where your game is installed(which will be under program files)
  9. desi

    True, our culture sucks, doesn't it? Violence and blood is okay for the most part but when it's about sex, people go crazy.

  10. desi

    Just getting most of my info from vndb lol. This topic - American Release questions! and sort of this - 15+ version to be released. The 12+ one has everything except that evil route and h-scenes. The 18+ version does NOT include the two routes... that is the expansion pack, which is different from the 18+ japanese version. I think this would be a totally different discussion if the 2 routes were already included in the 18+ Japanese Eien version. The 12+ version has the expansion pack included in(because it contains those two routes).

  11. desi

    Yeah, I don't like the decision that was made... however, comparing the 18+ version to the 12+? version, the 12+ version has a bit more content + polish. I'm not debating if it was the choice was right or anything... I haven't even played this game lol. The expansion is separate from the 18+ version that could have been translated, i.e the one with the evil route. I guess they could have translated the 18+ version + the expansion pack, but from a marketing standpoint, they didn't seem to want to go that route.

  12. desi

    Right, but the two routes were from the expansion, correct? So they wouldn't be in the 18+ standalone version. I agree with you on the censorship issue... I hate it as much as the next guy... but here is their official statement - "The decision to release an expanded, non-adult version of Aselia came about as the result of JAST going through the game with original developer, Xuse. The two concluded upon watching certain adult scenes that they would need to be altered for the U.S. market, and preferred to release the expanded all-ages version instead of an edited adult release." I don't believe the translators didn't decide to not have it because it didn't add to the story(even though I feel most h-scenes really don't add to the story).

  13. Ef A Fairy Tale of the Two and Ever17 are two that I can recommend. The first one takes you through the eyes of different protagonists. Great music and some of the best dialogue I've seen in a VN so far. Ever17 is another great VN. No h-scenes, but it has romance. However, the real reason to play Ever17 is the great twists along the way that you see in the true route. Check them both out.
  14. This is a bit of a different topic, but like most VNs the sex scene really doesn't add to the story. Okay, so maybe the evil route was removed... from what I've heard, I'm not sure where you researched, but the Non-H version is definitely the one with more content and it's more polished. It has better art style than the original and the Tokimi and Kyouko routes are translated. Copied and pasted this of the list of features: - Revamps the battle system (including character portraits) - Adds two routes (Tokimi, Kyouko) - Adds all of the subspirit scenes (as well as their sprites) -
  15. That's an odd way of looking at things. The non H version is definitely the superior version of the game. It adds new routes, extra scenes, and has better art style than the original. The h-scenes really don't contribute to the story in any way. If you want, I'm sure you can download the 18+ version and look at the scenes... you probably won't need much translation.
  16. The tutorial I linked will explain it. If you still need help, don't hesitate to post.
  17. Just use a program like Daemon tools and mount disc one. Usually a pop up window will show up and you can start installing it... in the middle of installation, it'll probably tell you to put in Disc 2... this is where you unmount Disc 1 and mount Disc 2. It'll finish installation and you can run the .exe and start playing... unless you run into one of the issues mentioned in the first post. Short tutorial here.
  18. Oh shit... not this round... save it for the next one.. nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  19. Yuuko from ef fairy tale of the two. Wait... Deja vu?
  20. This is a known issue that can't be fixed....the translator decided not to fix this issue. Pretty much just have to deal with it. EDIT: @Otamegane, it happens with their font as well... there is no workaround.
  21. You can do it that way as well. OP, just mount the file using daemon tools and download the patch located here. Run the patch and it'll pretty much install the whole thing for you.
  22. Use a program like Daemon tools and mount the mdf file. Just go through the installation and download and run the english patch. Also, you don't need to use applocale if you're locale is already in Japanese.
  23. I don't think there were many. Maybe a few instances. I remember in one bad ending Other than that, there maybe have been a few "memefied" sentences, but nothing too out of the ordinary.
  24. The second season isn't terrible, but they messed up a big and emotional part of it. I would play and finish the VN first.
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