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Everything posted by desi

  1. Well, recently played through it. No in-depth analysis from me but at least they addressed some of the plot holes. Still feel let down by the ending and having no closure with crew members and relationships. Although I must say, some of the epilogue slides are pretty epic (zaeed comes to mind).
  2. I recommend this site as well. It's very comprehensive.
  3. Surprised Otoboku will be released before Otome. Also, good news about the LB word wrap patch. Patiently waiting for the EX patch
  4. Pretty sure you get that error if you try to download more than 2 or 3 files at a time.
  5. It actually is fully translated and pretty much released. Just waiting for someone to upload it now. As far as recommendations, maybe Canvas 2? Has lots of decisions and seems to be something that you might enjoy. Not sure about the obvious part though.
  6. At least they translated the first one. I think the translators logic is not spending time translating a fandisc when he could be translating a whole new eroge (Dracu-Riot in this case). Don't really blame him. Could be nice if someone decides to translate the 2 main routes though.
  7. The primary translator believes its "all sex", when in fact it really isn't. It might be true for the 5 regular routes, but for the 2 main routes in the fandisc (true route and mare route), they expand upon the story and give closure to it nicely.
  8. Since i'm in a good mood Soukoku No Arterial Toushin Toshi 3 As stated, please use the newly created Eroge Requests section next time. EDIT: Thread has been moved to the proper section.
  9. Links to different filehosts are located here. Not sure what kind of speeds you'll get though.
  10. That's my plan 9/10 for Dan. SO HNNNNGGGGG.
  11. They're fine but apparently having a few issues with hosting.
  12. desi

    Imouto Ijime

    Just drag the patch over to your installation folder. Whereever Imouto Ijime the folder is located, which is probably under program files, you drag the patch over to that folder and run the .exe.
  13. These visual novels have a harem ending and are translated in English. You can set it to minor spoilers or major spoilers to see more.
  14. The requirements on Jast list that you will need 12gb of space. So 12-15 is probably a good number to shoot for.
  15. Strom just made a post a bit before you made this one. Looks like they should have percentages, etc updated soon if the information is accurate. Thanks for the info Strom.
  16. 3/10.. low quality, too stretched, no clue what the hell is going on. Also, you can't have 5 waifus.
  17. Welcome. It's hard to predict ETA for Mangagamer and JAST releases. You'll just have to look at the updates for now, maybe they'll announce something more concrete later on.
  18. Don't think there is a website up for Yandere.
  19. bleh, haven't tried it yet. I'll try it this weekend. But if they didn't address what happens with the crew and your relationships, it already sounds like its terrible.
  20. Ray gets a 9.5/10 for Usami OneManArmy gets a 9/10 for Mashiro Phi gets a 5/10, mainly because I have no clue what it is.
  21. Seems like it happens to you with the mangagamer releases, since you had problems with Stryker, Deardrops, KiraKira, etc.
  22. I know you said you tried reinstalling it, but have you tried redownloading the parts again? Maybe a part got corrupted. Not seeing why you should still get that same error.
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