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Everything posted by desi

  1. Hmmm... thanks. Hopefully he translates the rest like he said. No interest in using TA.
  2. ^ you're doing it wrong. You should at least let people know what the spoiler is about. Easy way to do it [.spoiler=MuvLuv]Muv luv spoiler here[./spoiler] without the periods or you could do something like Muv luv - [.spoiler]MuvLuvspoiler[./spoiler] Or else all the VNs are going to be bunched up within one spoiler tag and that might spoil some VNs that people haven't read.
  3. btw, you can use spoiler tags so more people can read this thread. [.spoiler]blabla[./spoiler] without the periods
  4. Title should be renamed random spoilers you find in VNs
  5. Summer classes... then I have the pleasure of studying for the CPA exam.... wooot.. exciting.
  6. aer0gam3r's link explains it. Check here under when things go wrong near the bottom.
  7. I told you on the shoutbox but i'll just post here for fun. Nope, no translation for that VN... Feng doesn't seem to get any fan translations even when they seem to have fairly decent VNs out.
  8. Why not just wait a month for the full thing?
  9. Meh, either way is fine for me. If i had a choice between censored and uncensored, i'd probably choose uncensored.
  10. I'm not sure what the problem is. Only thing I can suggest is to uninstall and redownload the files and reinstall it, following the first 8 steps outlined in the first post.
  11. Amaterasu is boss. Translation will most likely get done at the end of the year. Probably an early 2013 release date. One of the VNs i'm really looking forward to but I can be a bit patient. I have an insane back log to take care of anyways.
  12. There is a guide.. literally on the first page. Follow those 8 steps.
  13. btw, Ivan said you don't have to put [weekly updated] again since we know it'll be posted every week and the date is there anyways
  14. You need to change your locale to Japanese. Tutorial here
  15. Not anymore comrade. Well.. you still are the first one... damn.. you know what I mean.
  16. They're keeping the censors for Ef. Read here
  17. I sent off my beta reports over 2 weeks ago. Guess they're still waiting on the other beta reporters. As stated, should be released very soon. EDIT: Nvm, Guest did a wrong copy+pasta Still, the next route patch should be released very soon.
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