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Everything posted by napoleon

  1. That's too bad but completely understandable since Patreon projects and move slower than dirt. I hope Monster Girl Island finishes its development no matter how long it takes.
  2. Regarding Bokuten: Angels are good and Overdrive is bad.
  3. Are you a mail daemon? A manifestation of chaos? Nice to meet you and welcome to erogegames.com!

  4. Bishoujo Mangekyou was okay despite its art and animation. I had hoped for something more substantial but it will whet my appetite nonetheless.
  5. Thanks for the review, it clarified some of the thoughts I had on Baldr Force. I thought it was going to be more Ghost in the Shell than Mr. Robot with Mecha.
  6. $68,176 as of now and with 20 days to go. If it isn't funded by then nothing happens. I'd donate some dosh but my happy funtime budget doesn't allow for this expenditure. I hope the kickstarter makes its goal but even if it doesn't it'll be picked up by someone else. We always win in the end thanks to sites like this.
  7. Watch out Asagi! [spoiler=not work safe]
  8. Take a scene from a visual novel or eroge and use your skills to recreate that scene in MSpaint or Paint.net. Here we have a scene from If My Heart Had Wings: . Looks good right? I'm a fan of realism so let's try a little of this and some of that... Wow! I almost can't even tell the difference! For my next trick watch me de-lewd Taimanin Asagi!
  9. Visual Novels being books or game isn't mutually exclusive. They certainly are games in the sense that they belong to a category of software but are definitely not books despite being primarily text based.
  10. Visual Novels are not quite games and perhaps not quite books either in the traditional sense. They are essentially "choose your own adventure" books.
  11. Evening Starter could be fun. Adventure of Monster Tamer was described as "mostly vore" so that's not really up my alley. Thanks for the updates.
  12. Rance has quite a couple so you're definitely spot on there. A Kiss for the Petals is the only other series I can think of with a focus on romance and there are quite 10 uploads of the series on here.
  13. napoleon

    Galaxy Angel

    Thanks, I'll give this a try. I wasn't able to start the game more than a few minutes because of a few bugs.
  14. The only link I was able to locate was a nyaa.si torrent that's been quiet for about ten years.
  15. Some very nice pieces from FSN, Berserk and Bleach! I've always enjoyed the aesthetic of a character or monster going berserk because it's a visual representation of the action potential of violence! Which monsters are your favorite? Gigantic, robotic, or otherwise!
  16. Walkthrough courtesy of lostaerie and rinchan3853 Girl of choice Maternity Yoga To help relax and train muscles for growth Girl of choice Lactating mom's should It's easier for the baby Girl of choice Girl of choice Helping people out It's fine *Note for Honoka pick You can't* Girl of choice *Note Go alone for Emiko* These choices decide who’s route you're on: Gentle and soothing (Honoka) Intellectual but wild (Saera) Bubbly and cheerful (Emiko) Cute and spirited (Momo) Sporty and energetic (Mimeri) Only with me (Harem)
  17. Someone extracted a pretty sick sample from a graduation speech.
  18. Kyonyuu Fantasy 2 - 93% translated, 67% edited emphatically: Yeah Boiii!
  19. Huntress of Nipurheim looks decent and I find it bizarre that there's a "Ongoing debate regarding sound effects translation". Is recording audio from slapping a wet towel against the floor no longer considered in vogue? What sound does a creampie make? Is it a "Jbyuuuu" or more like a "bluuuuuut". Translating onomatopoeia is one of the sillier wastes of time, they should just use the format most TV shows use for closed captions. [Creampie Sound effect]
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