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Everything posted by Fluffy

  1. Fluffy

    Happy Birthday Max <3

  2. [video=youtube;Hc-rr1Qg0QA] The song is all about being alone. Was on of my favorite songs back in the day, listening to it again because it was on the radio. Also my sister is a fangirl of the artist!
  3. Happy birthday <3

  4. Nice, feel free to pm me and tell what you think
  5. http://i.imgur.com/4xS0iHL.jpg
  6. I read mushoku tensei two days ago, it was pervertely good
  7. Haha lol, you really want to know what questions i will ask, mm? The questions is not about vns, manga, games or anime, it's about the members itself, since we are celebrating the membership, re'member'? So all the shouters will know the answer typically, but you can still win by guessing away!
  8. You should get a steam account right away then, the games you can win isn't actually that bad!
  9. Hello all Otakus, Imoutos, Nekos and other perverts! The time has come to celebrate this forum with 10.000 members and over 3 years of existence! There are three things you can do in this thread: 1. Party wild and dance like a wild animal! (feel free to invite your family) 2. Post things or pictures of a cake or something else you would like to share related to this celebration! 3. Participate in a quiz event with 10 questions, where you can win up to 10 games through your steam library! (the competition starts when this forums membership hits 10.000) More info and rules in t
  10. If i became a girl.... http://i.imgur.com/WIJHhf5.png http://i.imgur.com/oQDoAYC.png http://i.imgur.com/BBhTEBc.png http://i.imgur.com/ArxiJYR.png
  11. [video=youtube;-UMuiy0LjPc]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-UMuiy0LjPc&ab_channel=KoalaKontrol
  12. Fluffy

    Random Games

    http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/793/427/b19.gif Although it's only for ps3
  13. The laptop is mostly use for work! http://i.imgur.com/0rAKaQ4.png
  14. http://troll.me/images/spongebob-no-money/spongebob-no-money.jpg
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