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Everything posted by Fluffy

  1. Real name: Aksel Age: 17 (close enough) Country: DK College: business school/college (upcoming) Occupation: Works in a supermarket and student. Skills: Beach Volley, violin and trombone. Hobbies: pc pc pc pc anime anime anime pc pc pc friends sun shower pc pc pc ps4 Positives: Being funny and cute. Negatives: 10x high than normal and bad at school. Other things: No
  2. I'll start off the story ___________________________________________________________________________ On
  3. Rules: Only 1 word per post You can do more than one, but not in a row The story has to make sense. If the story so far is "Then He decided", Don't put a random word like Banana after :3 And yes, if you don't post anything in this forum game, i'll eat your lungs... Have fun!
  4. Happy birthday :)


    And plzfix your goddamn background layout!

  5. http://imgur.com/ZjOsl9r.jpg
  6. Isn't it obvious? it's a cannon ball xD
  7. Hey happy birthday dude i will always watch over you byebye <3

  8. http://imgur.com/BHzNnAP.jpg
  9. Thanks Moranara :)

  10. Thank you <3 <3

  11. Fluffy

    Thanks Rin <3

  12. Thanks Wanko <3 <3

  13. Thaaanks Pasa <3 <3


    Protect my dreams forever ^^

  14. 120% Progressive! 80% Ambient and 150% Electronica! [video=youtube;0DCy1-tY0SA]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0DCy1-tY0SA&channel=xAyaLollikies
  15. YOUR BACK! <3 <3


    And hey, much appreciated

  16. Since your all talking about that football stuff thingy in the shoutbox, i decided to make a thread about it. If you think this is stupid, tell Ivan to delete the thread.... And Switch, make sure you're the first to post so this thread gets a wonderful start And no i'm not high
  17. 中島 Nakashima (center of the island) 克己 Katsumi (kind self) Center of what island?
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