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Everything posted by Fluffy

  1. So i made a video about the game Hatoful Boyfriend. Tell me what you think. Enjoy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6zOy73qbP3M&channel=akse0177
  2. So i figured out how to use dxtory...with problems Wrong file format, bad video codec, Audio codec missing and i broke a microphone. And that's how you make videos kidz!
  3. Hello dere and welcome to EG. Beware of switch, he might be a troll, with bloodthirsty koalas.
  4. Wtf Anyways http://imgur.com/dMxGsup.jpg
  5. Screw IE! It sucks and when it updates to 9.0 it will suck big anal ass and fuck right in the pussy at the same time!! Still, IE is evolution.. No, not demon, Loppez, LOPPEZ!
  6. Congratz Geass <3<3<3

  7. We're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad.
  8. Congratz my highness <3<3<3

  9. Fluffy is loli! Dear Fluffy, I've always disliked your manly voice. It's disturbing. -Love, Senpai My voice may not be perfect, but everything else is! How i look:
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yOOffSvIfmU#t=272&channel=rainbowsoundnetwork
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