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Everything posted by Fluffy

  1. Hyro, I want to see you porn collection NAAW! http://imgur.com/3LU92hL.jpg
  2. It rained huh? IT RAINED! Here It's STORMING TOO!!
  3. For your pleasure, Pramit! http://s3-ec.buzzfed.com/static/enhanced/webdr01/2013/5/20/16/enhanced-buzz-24942-1369080305-11.jpg
  4. This is getting funny. http://imgur.com/Rvq8RAm.jpg
  5. ^ Dat attached thumbnails! http://imgur.com/h9gAhYM.jpg Guees what anime.
  6. http://imgur.com/Jwq07Qs.jpg
  7. *WARNING* There's a 110% chance, that you will die watching this!
  8. http://imgur.com/gAqhIOq.jpg
  9. http://imgur.com/8YxUCFs.png OOOoOoooOOhh yes!
  10. hey Aran :)


    Soory for the late message. I have alot to think about so i forget things xD


    Btw, Whatchadoing?

  11. This is too beautiful for words... [video=youtube;J6nOLCm-r40]
  12. So my link in the last post is broken, so i'll try again.. .....WAT! I'M LOLI AGAIN?
  13. Ladies and gentlemen! http://imgur.com/VyhTZVd.jpg
  14. Hello and welcome to the forums my dear. Oh wait, that guy on your avatar looks really really similar to Victor Zsasz from the Batman series, and he's a non-stop killer!
  15. Congratz!


    just in time.... Phew!

  16. 8/10 I remember that picture from steam, and it's amazing! P.S. do i need a new avatar or not, that's the question!
  17. reading G-Senjou (3-4 hours every week) like a one legged soldier!
  18. Happy birthday....


    I'm using four dots all the time because of you.

  19. Do you have an Android smartphone? (yes that ugly thing you may have in your pocket) Then go to the App Store and get Snapchat for free now! (Omg this is not an advisement) ..And lets share some shit toghether! Name: axei0177
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