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Everything posted by Dubs

  1. Then where's the logic in posting in this thread? Or ever reading it for that matter.
  2. Lies, I am my whole new kind, far better then Nobus
  3. ^ Don't lie to yourself, You're the one in denial about how sexy my genes are, and how different they are to your crappy human genes
  4. Impossibru, As I have no DNA, I am not of this world, I am but a bug on the windscreen of evolution..
  5. Oh you also forgot about my secret message then,
  6. ^ A clone of you is a LOT worst then a clone of a sheep, Let alone a whole basement full of them.
  7. She's hard to go up against, Can't think of many which would beat her tbh.
  8. ^ No worries, I burnt down the house so all of his Cloning research would of been burnt away, I've done the world a very big favor by saving them from Nobu clones.
  9. http://29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lwbbohPAyQ1qkaa8zo1_400.jpg Definitely gone nao.
  10. Same same, I'm knackered so imma go sleep http://thepwnzone.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/tumblr_lgovrxubar1qeewuco1_500.jpg
  11. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-92OngOu9WOs/TrF3w5KDESI/AAAAAAAAAdw/epUtC0BixU4/s320/tumblr_lsuykhRoHK1qj41h3o1_500.jpg
  12. I can understand that, As I use messenger a fair bit and only really press enter that frequently on things like messenger or steam, but for typing in a forum it actually made me more punctuated :/, I don't usually type all neat and shit it's just become a habit.
  13. ^ Ho don't be talking for me, Nobu is a cheater, I found little kids tied up in our basement.
  14. http://menversus.com/images/content/wvampPpvky1301029489069.jpg
  15. http://s3.amazonaws.com/kym-assets/photos/images/original/000/152/162/spiderman-meme-generator-for-the-love-of-god-stop-being-such-a-faggot-0132b0.jpg
  16. No worries, We're slowly derailing it from it's sole purpose, All fans of MLP shall perish.
  17. http://thepwnzone.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/memes-out-of-his-league.jpg
  18. ^ Male, Twas' a joke on ultim's behalf.
  19. I've always wondered this, Why the hell do you write like that? :S, with the weird symbol on the end and in sentences of like 3 or 4 words..
  20. http://us7.memecdn.com/im-spiderman_o_164747.jpg ^ We're engaged, And I have an endless supply of spiderman pictures..
  21. http://endlesspicdump.com/resized/spiderman%20gave%20you%20the%20candy.jpg
  22. ^ You may of set yourself up, but unfortunately I will not play along with your perverted games, As I am completely innocent.
  23. I'll go ahead and vote my own because I'm boss.
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