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Everything posted by Dubs

  1. http://cdn.memegenerator.net/instances/400x/20739757.jpg Heh, I'm still going strong.
  2. Another of mine would be Suigintou And Suiseiseki, Suigintou because she's a general badass and Suiseiseki because I love bicolored eyes
  3. The Thai Guy was sexier
  4. ^ Apparently everyone cried over that anime apart from me..
  5. Mentally brain dead without the will to live anymore to be precise.
  6. Didn't see that I was kidding and now I feel awkward..
  7. Da Capo is mentioned everywhere I seem to look, although I have to agree with Cael on this one, It all depends on what you are into yourself, Some enjoy futa, Some enjoy cross dressing, some enjoy scat, Some enjoy rape, Yet I myself see nothing in any of those types of games, It all depends on what kind of hidden fetishes you have
  8. Atleast we all know Avenger has a hidden fetish for MLP.
  9. Lol I'd stick to the 2D girl, When you design an Anime girl there are no limitations to what you can have, but with a real person, it's limited to what they were born like + whatever you can make them look like with a load of makeup, And don't even say they would cosplay the Anime girl as 95% of the cosplayers I've seen look completely crap, No offence if anyone here cosplays.
  10. I thought it was some kind of joke title, Read the thread, Broke out laughing for a solid 10 minutes.
  11. That picture has singlehandedly made me want to play that VN, Oh also I was wanting to play it for a while but couldn't be asked downloading it... Imma try now
  12. Dracu-Riot is coming along well, 6.80% already
  13. Heh a few I want are: Bishoujo Mangekyou Zutto Tsukushite Ageru no! Shinigami no Testament Hyouka no Mau Sora ni plus a few others
  14. Thread is dying Needs to be revived through the power of Ecchi.
  15. I don't really have one, You guys all talk about people from VN's which I've never played or Animes that I've yet to watch, If I had to choose one it would either be Konata Izumi from Lucky Star ( As the fact she was such a huge Anime/VN/LN fan made me laugh ) orrr Mato Kuroi in her BRS form ( Cus she's just bad ass )
  16. I think you've gone and blown what he's said way out of proportion just so that you get to write a big lecture, He was replying to what others were saying about the Anime, Plus everyone has different taste in Anime as well so tbh there isn't really a "Top 10" or a top 20 or anything, If there was then I'm sure DBZ, Bleach, Naruto etc would all be up there but I can't stand those BS animes because they are so over rated and most of the producers are only making the episodes anymore for the money from it. How in anyway does him stating his opinion on Clannad make him a heretic and force you t
  17. Heh, I think I started watching Clannad then got to like 22nd episode of the first season, then I stopped watching it and this was months and months ago, Never got to even finishing the first season yet I don't see all the hype with it, I'll admit it was pretty funny but in what way was it sad?
  18. Nah I'm being serious, At what points was I meant to cry exactly?
  19. I'll admit there were sad points, But nothing in that Anime bought me to tears even though everyone said it would
  20. Lol wtf are you on about enough with the bashing.. You're asking for more people to share their opinions but that's exactly what it leading directly to the bashing..
  21. I think a lot of people would highly suggest this one to play.
  22. The alternative ending for it OVA? Was alright I suppose, although I agree this made me cry.. Some others would be.. Elfen Lied, ( Sad Ending ) A Whisper Of The Heart ( Even though the ending was happy it still made me cry because of how sweet it was :/ )
  23. We needed an Assassin to be sacrificed, You were the first one that I saw, therefore you get sacrificed
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