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Everything posted by Dubs

  1. Wooooo, My expectations were already low after the first few episodes, Glad I didn't get my hopes up to much.
  2. There are tons of Gabe Newell videos on youtube, some are legend.
  3. That's the amazing owner of Steam/ Valve.
  4. You're judging "Nearly Every Online Program" as a spy.. And you're calling me naive? Lol, And where exactly are you getting this information from? Or are you saying you've nitpicked through "nearly every" online program that there is to find this spy stuff?
  5. One of the best things about Steam would have to be the Holiday Sales, It's also made me buy some guys that I might not of even thought twice about playing as well, It's the same as if you were to buy the game from a normal store, just with the convenience of being able to download the game onto any PC that you have access to Steam on so you can download it without the inconvenience of having to carry round the disk, If a disc gets scratched or corrupted then you have to go buy a whole new one, But if one of the games you've bought from Steam gets corrupted, all you have to do is uninstall is
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YlEGyONiXrg&hd=1 Yeah boy.
  7. Heh I'm glad I'm not the only one that does that, On the outside it looks neat but on the inside it's more along the lines of stuff everything in there that I feel is an inconvenience to have on my desktop.
  8. Ah so you're the Fourteenth guy
  9. Gray/ Silver/ White hair, Doesn't really matter which type.
  10. Lol mine only ever jumps from 700 KB/s to 2 MB/s, but I'm not exactly complaining about those speeds. http://puu.sh/xhJn Heheh..
  11. Agree with the first part, But I'm ashamed by the second, Random Spiderman ALWAYS helps.
  12. So I've seen many people on here have Steam and play stuff Like CS:S, L4D2, GMoD etc etc, but if you're like me, you get bored of the default valve weapon skins, animations and such, so I customize like 99% of the source games I play and you can to Plus I figured that if we all played the same games then we should play together and take our friendships to the next level ( Was clearly a joke so don't take it to seriously ), Was playing L4D2 with Cael earlier for a bit and it was the first time I played it in a while, I know others have games like this so Cael pretty much figured that it wo
  13. For the love of god, I'd never be able to have all of my games show desktop items, A clogged up Desktop annoys the hell out of me o.O
  14. WOOOO SPIDERMAN MEME'S FOR EVERYONE SHARE THE LOVE, FORGET THE HATE http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-KaUBjVk-V-k/T5lQsoZWQ8I/AAAAAAAAAjA/v9yBrOLLyPo/s1600/4.jpg http://files.sharenator.com/Not_My_Fridge_Spider_Man_Meme-s500x357-196122-580.jpg http://cdn.smosh.com/sites/default/files/bloguploads/spider-meme-6.jpg No Seriously, Just stop.
  15. Voted for Mary, Just for the lolz of making it equal
  16. Is it weird that I actually gave up reading that after the second sentence..
  17. Heh I know that feeling. http://puu.sh/xvtL
  18. Dubs

    School Days

    Or is he?.. That's the question
  19. Dubs

    School Days

    Secret is I'm going to let him win so that Nobu is out of my life and in OMA's basement
  20. Okay so instead of Helping the guy who clearly knows that he wants Dubbed Anime, You start bashing it off? I mean not even I started bashing him for wanting Dubbed so the least you could do is try to help him out..
  21. Damn the size of that file o.O, Luckily I have a 2TB worth of external HD But without that, that folder wouldn't even fully fit on my PC...
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