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Everything posted by Dubs

  1. I'm not normally one for stoopets straight forwardness but he has you on that post dude, it's a Japanese eroge game, the fact she's played 150 games means that she should KNOW what to expect from these kinds of games, plus there are more then enough sites out there that give information about games, explain the storyline of the game or give spoilers about what the game contains, it simply seems that she's playing the game just to have something to complain about..
  2. Not a single post, not a double post, but a triple post?, Anyway as I said in another thread, I've rekindled my love for Coldplay.
  3. Bitch, As your husband I want all of Japan, I shall force them to make all of the Anime which I find favourable..
  4. Reno one made me laugh, Final Fantasy movies are amazing.
  5. The exact reaction I wanted from you, My day is now complete.
  6. Wanna know what would lighten this topic up? Epic spiderman pictures, The same thing that helps every bad thread into a good one. http://swiftor.com/attachments/f2/8811d1322335732t-60s-spiderman-meme-go-spiderman10.jpg
  7. You use the middle button on the toolbar above where you write. http://puu.sh/wNWc
  8. I only ever showed the Anime/ VN ones that I use because the folder that I use for my wallpapers is probably about a 20+GB folder, but meh, New theme so I'll show some of the normal ones. http://puu.sh/wMYl http://puu.sh/wMZ3 http://puu.sh/wMZF http://puu.sh/wN00 Oh plus this orgasm face. http://puu.sh/wN0p
  9. http://www.the-nextlevel.com/tnl/attachment.php?attachmentid=62247&d=1310392802
  10. http://puu.sh/wMKs You'll be looking for a while as they've not even released a game for it.
  11. That's pretty sweet, Not gonna lie.
  12. How are those 2 things even comparable?, Lucky Star is filled with so many different things, Hatsune Miku, Haruhi Suzumiya as well as other Anime characters and Idols, still we can't all get what we wish for. http://i882.photobucket.com/albums/ac29/Loki_Kun/Lucky-Sar-animated.gif
  13. Dubs


    No need to post an update to every episode, As they can carry on watching from the link that I gave them, Also it's really a thing that you need to watch to understand before you can compare it to another episode, As I suck at explaining things so I wouldn't go on the description that I've given if you're going to compare it.
  14. ^ I fear a world full of Nobus, no one should depend on him to repopulate the earth..
  15. Plus it may be connection, Also what do you mean by it appears to be fully downloaded but isn't? :S
  16. -Imma go ahead and edit out this image as it made me feel sick..
  17. Dubs


    Didn't have a thread yet, Wanted to create a thread, Wanted others to see this Anime if they haven't already, Created this thread... Now that you're all up to date I'll get started.. If you like guns then you'll like this, If you like little kids with guns then you'll like this ( Note, There's only 1 little kid so don't go over thinking it ), If you like the thought of an Anime in the life of a black market dealer then you'll like this, If you like the idea of traveling around the globe then you'll like this, if you can't watch an Anime without romance then this Anime isn't for you I'm afra
  18. Dubs


    I'm like 3 or 4 maybe episodes behind from the released ep, but it was still pretty good.
  19. ^^^ Still doesn't change my opinion on them, Although it is my OPINION so no need for anyone to get butthurt.
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KyqbISKd2nk&hd=1 Falling Inside the Black - Skillet Tristam - League Of Legends I have songs for pretty much every emotion that I've gone through, They tend to help quite a bit.
  21. ^ Yeah but I no likey Chinese people.
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