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Everything posted by Dubs

  1. I tried to listen to By No Means with that Eppic guy in it earlier, It was far from Epic, His rapping ruined the mood of the song.. Although I am one for her Skyrim songs with Peter Hollens. Plus she uses the String thingy as a Sword, Made me Lol. [video=youtube;BSLPH9d-jsI]
  2. Dubs

    School Days

    I'll race you once it's out to who can find a bad ending first. Winner gets Nobu as a prize.
  3. And an amazing remix of it. [video=youtube;kxvCGtnM--g]
  4. [video=youtube;GLTh-TSJSNE] Seen this song used in so many places..
  5. Lol I don't see what you guys are on about, I've seen ALOT worst then that picture when it's stretched, That isn't majorly deformed or anything and I'd rather be able to see the whole picture then have half of them missing.
  6. Dubs


    Because the game tries to be as realistic as possible.
  7. Dubs


    Ah yeah, As it's every man for himself, New guns/ Supplies/ vehicles and survival can turn your friends into your enemies just to get the items and survive for a bit longer, Although I shall add you on steam Cael for when I actually can be bothered to re buy Arma2, As I had it on my old steam account.
  8. Dubs


    I shall try to find the link but no promises, although best part about source games is almost every aspect of them is customizable, + The hair moves on it and everything if I can't find the link for it tomorrow then I'll record and show you a quick vid of what it looks like. Also feel free to add me on steam as well if you're going to play L4D Nobu you boob.
  9. Dubs


    It's a lot better then most as it actually has both Third Person and First Person, but meh you can carry on with your L4D, I haven't played either L4D or L4D2 in ages, May play it again Although I do have this epic mod for L4D2 that changes Rochelle into Hatsune Miku http://i50.tinypic.com/5owmqa.jpg Oh and it also changes the Crowbar to a Leek, So you get Hatsune Miku + the Leek meme http://i45.tinypic.com/2cro7qc.png
  10. No it doesn't, Stretch actually allows me to see the whole picture fine, Not deformed or anything, Whereas fill will only allow me to see a partial bit of the photo, This photo only looks fine because it's actually close to 1366x768
  11. Dubs


    It won't, To play the mod you need Arma 2: CO, which is both the Full Arma2 game and the DLC Operation Arrowhead.
  12. Dubs


    This pretty much covers it, I wasn't sure if my PC could run it, Figured it could on medium settings but still wasn't to sure whether or not I would like it so I downloaded the Free version, After all it's just a Demo, The Full version has HD textures and stuff which they didn't put into the demo. Also, The Demo actually allows you to do probably 60 or 70% of the stuff that you can do on the Actual game
  13. Dubs


    They are the same thing, Although the Free versions quality has been chunked down a lot, the paid version looks & feels a lot better, but you get the idea of what the game's like from the Free version.
  14. Dubs

    School Days

    In a way I'm happy that the Ending was messed up but also quite sad, It made me intrigued and look into the Series more making me want to play the game version of it, but at the same time I'm thinking, there's going to be even more gore in the game.
  15. Dubs


    Played it, Got bored of it, Played it again, PC stopped playing Arma for some reason, and Haven't been able to play Arma since. Also you'll need this ARMA II: Combined Operations on Steam if you want to play this.
  16. Not to sure but Funimation purchase Licenses for a lot of Animes and sell them so try there. Watch Anime at the Official FUNimation Anime Online Community
  17. Majority of mine look fine, Must just be the pictures that I choose, I take out and delete the deformed ones. Stretched: http://puu.sh/xoSv Filled: http://puu.sh/xoSY
  18. Most of my pictures have a lot larger res then my screen anyway, they're just set to stretch so it fits the screen.
  19. It was an open invitation for you, Clearly he wants you.
  20. Not really, If I hate something then it's my opinion of it, It wasn't to my taste or didn't fulfill what I wanted, Simple as that tbh cus at the end of the day it's just my opinion on it, It's the same with everything you can either hate it/ like it/ be neutral on it ( or in some cases love it ).
  21. Have tried it, And hated it so eat your words.
  22. Lol I'm sick of hearing Da Capo, it seems to be everywhere.
  23. Ah I was thinking of doing this for my Wallpaper folders as well, but realized how long it would take to upload them, true dat our Res is the most awkward to find pictures and things for but the most sexy
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