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Everything posted by Dubs

  1. That part of the room was only meant to unlock under certain circumstances which haven't been fulfilled yet , Crappy cheap builders.
  2. It was an inside joke before, but then people built on it and we actually think he now has a rape dungeon, as to why I said Rape when he said Dungeon.
  3. Nono, I immediately jumped to that conclusion as it Nobu who was talking about dungeons.
  4. Of course, You can think about your Male Doctors whilst the rest of us think about Hot Nurses
  5. Welcome to these here forums, We try to be friendly but recently our pet Nobu escaped so forgive us if he harasses you, If you are around for long enough you'll get the inside joke.
  6. http://narwhaler.com/img/al/5/my-sex-face-with-aliens-ancient-aliens-Al5aLo.jpg
  7. Or just get Puu.sh, Free, Variety of tools that make it easier to take screenshots plus it uploads the images straight away and copies the image address straight to clipboard puush / home
  8. Interesting Video, But didn't really peek my interest plus I'm 360 not PS3 so meh.
  9. This sounds like some kind of Human Centipede thread now..
  10. http://puu.sh/w9Rk Those are some.... Interesting... Spoilers......
  11. Meh I play 360 instead of PS3, Last game I bought was probably Resident Evil: ORC, then after that I got a couple of other games for free off of a friend.
  12. Agreed ^, It annoys the hell out of me when you know that they want it but they constantly keep saying "No No Stop", That's the only time that I would see Rape as fine and even then it's only because it's frustrating to see them being so indecisive about it.
  13. I only knew about it because I checked AnimeFreak's update tracker and it said the 7th ep had been released a day or two after the 6th ep, Something special must of happened for them to release 2 eps in a week.
  14. I think 6 and 7 came out in the same week for some reason, I'm not sure but it's been available for a while now
  15. ^ I lost track of what you were saying after about the second blue fuck, not gonna lie.
  16. He likes to take anything up the butt, I mean ANYTHING, His rear is like a black hole that never ceases to swallow things, Think of it as he's had way to much anal that it's become so loose that if he were to sit down, his butt would swallow the chair.... in one piece.
  17. Agreed, Size of the game and the amount of time that the translators set aside for translating can largely effect how long it takes for the games to be released. I think I remember somewhere on the Staircase Sub blog that they try to cover around 250 words a day at 30 minutes each day, Which so far I've seen that they stick to, Sure I would love for them to work hours and hours each day so that the eta of the finished thing would be less then a year but the work would become sloppy if they did that each day, at the end of the day I just guess that it's the Company/ Translators ability and a
  18. Wtf is a Nobu.. Sounds like some kind of gay pornstar.. and we should call Cael Hailstorm for some reason or another..
  19. Lol sorry but since when do the VN's that people translate HAVE to be a nukige? Plus everyone has different taste, some people may like more Rape in their game, Others may like mostly H Scene, I for one will play a VN that either looks good, has a good story line or something that a lot of other people will suggest playing.
  20. http://puu.sh/w2oW Chihiro's face as a little kid made me laugh everytime I saw it, It was pretty cute for a reason I don't know.
  21. Digimon itself sucks, Again one of the Animes I watched when I was a child then as I grew up, Managed to notice it for the pile of steaming feces that it is.
  22. Looked at it and straight away noticed, http://puu.sh/w0YQ .. Please tell me it's avoidable?, And they are, I dunno what it is about them but whenever I see a Heroine with them I go crazy.
  23. Indeeedyoo, Makes me want to watch the whole LOTR franchise over again, I've even got the books
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