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Everything posted by Dubs

  1. Adopt A Heroine Today! Well we have one for adopting Lolis and there's also one for saving a childhood friend so I thought, Hang on, Some of the Heroines I like Aren't Lolis OR Childhood friends and yet they are just simply epic in pretty much every single way, So here's my attempt at a Forum game kind of thing which I shall attempt to make fun. RULES 1: Only allowed 1 Adoption a day. 2: You can only pick ONE heroine from a Game/VN/Manga/Anime/Hentai/Goat/Etcetc to keep it fair, Plus if you were to pick one heroine then pick another girl infront of her then that would be che
  2. Probably the in-your-face-kind of energetic, Annoying as fuck.
  3. Which is why the majority of people loved Hoshizora for Mare..
  4. Mood is contrary to yesertday, I feeel like shit plus I caught a cold :/
  5. Just gonna go ahead and slip another Non Anime/VN/Manga related song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEXZdvHptWg&hd=1
  6. If Jasa don't make progress on Schooldays I'm personally going to rip the head off of each of their translators and shove it up their own ass as this wait is pathetic..
  7. Only Anime I've rewatched that many times would have to be Kiss x Sis, gotta love the comedy in it
  8. Same with me, I actually enjoy these kind of endings more then usual, Gets spoiled though most of the time by some bullshit reason to bring them back >_>
  9. I'll take Lisa from The Sacred Blacksmith http://moe.animecharactersdatabase.com/uploads/1044-924672755.jpg
  10. Lol it's a discussion thread and we're discussing insomnia, Soo not really off track ( Well maybe a little >_> ) but meh
  11. Have no fear, The Loli King is here, And I just remembered I have spares. http://i49.tinypic.com/167knlu.jpg
  12. ^ Clearly wants a broken face :/ You can take Hazuki actually I don't want her anymore.
  13. Dubs

    School Days

    Yeah don't hold your hopes high on that, They've given a June 2012 finish date for it but it's JAST so I'm not gonna hope for to much from that this year >_>
  14. Some are just born to be able to function without sleep, Soon it'll take a toll on your body though.
  15. ^ You touch one of my Lolis I break your face.
  16. All Loli haters must be burned and outcasted.
  17. Dubs

    School Days

    And now we shall be able to wipe the shitty name that the Anime has given the series and finish the story how we want. /Cue the evil laugh.
  18. Lol it's 02:34 in the morning and I won't go to bed until 8AM, I'll then wake up at around 12AM and repeat this process. Idk how I actually have been able to live healthy this way.
  19. Dubs


    No worries I'll search around BakaBT for a HD download.
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