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Everything posted by Dubs

  1. As Loli king it is required but I was just kidding around with him not really giving him orders.
  2. Oh I wasn't translating it, I was asking him to make me a sandwich
  3. ^ Indeed many of them are, A king needs assassins to do his dirty work.
  4. Praying to yourself? Talk about being Vain although I to am a self proclaimed god
  5. That's what you call the lifestyle of a Drunkard , I can't speak though, I once mixed Vodka, Redbull, Monster, Coke And A bottle of Lucozade in with a can of Strongbow, Gave one hell of a kick even though 2 are energy drinks D:
  6. But But, what if Kamidori comes in insulting everyone just for having different opinions
  7. http://puu.sh/uGy6 http://puu.sh/uGyR http://puu.sh/uGzg http://puu.sh/uGzX http://puu.sh/uGAE Only 5 today, Plus took a different approach to the ones that I downloaded this week. ALSO Instead of asking me which they're from, I shall upload the backgrounds to my Album when I have some time.
  8. Hehe, Shouldn't of told him what Vag meant and just left him to guess
  9. A picture you took because you snatched too many kids from that playground? Jeeez
  10. One Fag Army it is then.
  11. ^ I've just taken a turn for the worst, Turns out my cold miraculously came back, *Cough*..
  12. Wait what o.O, Lol I never wrote that.
  13. ^ Much better as I spent the last few days resting mostly thank you for asking
  14. Feel free, Dub or Dubs is a lot better then being called Dubnubnub each time >_>
  15. I wasn't on majorly about their relationship, But the ending to it and what they're planning to do, It may leave it open for some Fanservice ( Which I sure as hell hope not ) or it may leave them to get closer on the trip. Indeed I do watch it majorly for the comedy as well, But I wouldn't mind if at the end of the Anime that they became a couple or something, Even if they didn't become one I still love this Anime regardless.
  16. No, They clearly left it open for another season by the fact that there were still a stupid number of them to kill as well as Taishi still being alive, I'm saying the ending didn't make sense to me if they were just going to leave it like that.
  17. You're free to want, But please for the love of god don't bitch at other people when they show a tiny bit of ideal against what you want. I don't want them to translate Eternal Heart as I'm happy with the Project they're currently working on, You gonna call me every name under the sun?
  18. And yet you're on an forum which specialize in Eroges..
  19. Kamfag? Lols.. Just call me Dubs.
  20. [video=youtube;P6NBmD1-5-Q]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6NBmD1-5-Q Tunee
  21. Ep 6 ending made it look like something was going to happen next episode maybe it's some well needed plot change
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