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Everything posted by Dubs

  1. Continue The Epic Story. It's me again with another forum game, This one is mighty simple and practically 9/10 forums have this so I thought why not make one of these on here as the result will be quite funny, Basically you carry on the sentence which the person above you posted. Example: Person 1 : I Just Ate A Chicken, Person 2 : It Tasted Like A Chicken, Person 3 : But It Made Me Sick. It seriously is as simple as that, You just carry on the sentence that the last player posted. Rules: 1: You can only post a maximum of 5 words each time ( However there is no limit t
  2. Should be in my sig, Had to make another album due to the last reaching 60 pics.
  3. Meh well if we're judging on the endings. The Legend of the Legendary Heroes Anime itself was alright.. But the ending left one hell of a cliffhanger and I mean BIG BIG BIGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG cliffhanger. :/
  4. How about Meow? Dunno why but Masao kind of sounds like Meow in my head although I'm probably saying it wrong.
  5. Dubs

    Thanks Masao :p

  6. Ahh cheers Cael :D

  7. http://puu.sh/uQVV Hatsune Miku riding a whale..... Beyond Epic.
  8. Dubs

    My girlfriend is the President

    I'm a sucker for Grey hair ( Not old age Grey, I mean Anime Grey ) plus I was looking into downloading this before but didn't due to the everyones review on it and they kept saying it crashed, If there was a non crashing version then I would play it
  9. I actually enjoyed Itsuka Tenma no Kuro Usagi, I don't see why you didn't like it as I thought that their childhood promise was kind of a good reason for her to win in the love interest, although others may be into the childhood friend part of it instead , Still I actually like Himea.
  10. Complaining about off topicness is just as bad as making it go off topic itself as is me complaining about you complaining..
  11. I've only ever seen English Dubs, There are probably them for other countries but I'm not exactly going to look into finding a dubbed version of another language that I wouldn't understand so I've never come across one.
  12. Dubs


    Wonder what she's gonna do with those banana's
  13. Lol the Dub in my name was originally because I liked being called Dubs which was a shortened version of Dubstep , Anime dubs are piles of crap, Especially the Disney versions of Studio Ghibli films >_>
  14. Lies, It's merely an illusion, He thinks he's killing a Loli when in reality, He's killing a granny. Loli king = 1/ Society = -1
  15. Heh you've probably already seen it, But in no way does he sound black :/
  16. ^ You sell him a nuke to bomb my Lolis I rip your head off and shove it up your ass.
  17. http://puu.sh/uI6U http://puu.sh/uI7s http://puu.sh/uI7Z http://puu.sh/uI8l http://puu.sh/uI8B Almost forget these few as well, Shall be added later.
  18. Liesss, I'm the Loli king, They're all mine Cue the evil laugh.
  19. ^ He's actually a huge fan of Kore Wa Zombie Desu ka
  20. ^ A.. Penguin.. Wearing a Tuxedo......
  21. I haven't looked into the VN version of it, but please tell me it builds on the storyline more then the Anime did, And I mean the WHOLE storyline not just Soras route.
  22. Rule 1 of the forums, Never ever ever ever ever take Nobu seriously, if you do, It's the end for you.
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