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Everything posted by Dubs

  1. Dubs


    Lol I only got 3 minutes in to find out the quality is so terrible I can barely see anything so I don't know yet..
  2. Dubs


    In fact I'm gonna put off watching this and try to find a HD version, Again the Streaming Quality seems to be crap.
  3. Dubs


    We shall see, I may not usually be into this stuff but I'll watch the first ep as a taster.
  4. Dubs


    Ah thanks, I shall look into it now and hopefully of watched a few eps if I like the look of it.
  5. Dubs


    Wanna start watching this, but do I need to of watched Chaos;Head to understand it? Apparently it says it happened a year after it sooo...
  6. You ask me as if I have a clue, After ep 5 things went tits up and I couldn't follow it, Still lots of pretty colors though and I thought Ryou and Akari would of made a nice couple.. Only for her to leave at the end >_>
  7. Akari from Kono Minikuku mo Utsukushii Sekai An old but amazing Loli, Made me sad when she left Ryou.
  8. Dubs

    School Days

    The vndb tags make me wanna play it enough as it is.. http://puu.sh/ub5P http://puu.sh/ub6j
  9. Ah ha I only just read that, I was referencing that advert when I said that earlier
  10. Wanna run naked through a field full of Loli's singing Whilst drinking a can of monster and looking over my 17 years on this planet and coming to the conclusion that if you don't do something then you'll never know what it would be like to do it and have to live with the regret for your whole life... YEAH!
  11. Spoke to my GF on the phone.. Off topic yet another thread I was thinking about making has been taken..
  12. Dubs


    Beach fanservice episode would ruin this Anime for me completely, I watch Hyouka because it has a Serious sense and I would like it to remain that way.
  13. Partly why I enjoy Acchi Kocchi so much , they only mentioned Breasts a couple of times in Ep5 and then carried on with the story.
  14. Lol I was kidding it's fine..
  15. Agreed, Huge tits ruin an Anime for me unfortunately, I can deal with them but one that look out of place on the person annoy the hell out of me especially when the main character just seems to focus on them.
  16. I kept putting it off as I didn't think many watched it so I was gonna wait till further in to the season till I made a thread but meh. Plus this Anime has alot of cute & funny points about it as well.. http://i.minus.com/isqGSZauEWZqz.gif http://i.minus.com/ibQ1qkkYH1xj7.gif http://i.minus.com/iCoYxWZQdD4sg.gif http://i.minus.com/ibtYgv7xnUsiRh.gif
  17. Table ( Cus I'm boss )
  18. Dubs

    School Days

    Gonna be Saaaweeeet, Can't wait to try out each and everyone of them , Eventhough probably 50% + are going to be Tragedy.
  19. Wasn't a fan of the Anime I was just thinking to myself that it seems like a perfect place to cruise for Loli. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-N7T4npzosFw/TvMWqjTrc_I/AAAAAAAAAbc/QUPJGOEQ3I8/s1600/strike-witches02.jpg I mean look at them >_>
  20. Dubs


    Was interested in starting this a while ago but kept getting carried away with other things, Q for those who have watched the Anime, Is it easy to get into?
  21. OMG YOU STOLE MY THREAD IDEA. I hate you. On topic though I literally love this Anime, For once a nice and clean innocent Romance but at the same time is has it's dirty sides ( As does everything that is Japanese ), I can't wait to see if Miniwa actually does confess to Io as it would be perfect.
  22. I'm surprised no one's chosen anyone from Strike Witches as they're all Loli in that..
  23. Crap, Could of swore she was.. Mehh well super can go ahead and remove her then and I shall try to find another Huang Lingyin from Infinite Stratos. http://www.cosplayhouse.com/images/D/Huang_Lingyin%5B1%5D.jpg http://kingwallpapers.com/wallpapers/huang_lingyin_wallpaper-800x600.jpg
  24. Just gonna go ahead and plant the fact that.............. .. . . ....... Dislike most fighting games as they bore me to death :/
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