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Everything posted by Dubs

  1. If it was Mare doing the wake up Onichan then I'd be like, fuck getting up, how about you get in the bed with me http://static.zerochan.net/Mare.S.Ephemeral.full.645311.jpg
  2. http://wallpaperscraft.com/image/shida_kazuhiro_hoshizora_no_memoria_kogasaka_chinami_girl_joy_bangs_36664_1600x1200.jpg Dat face, But yeah, I hated her too.
  3. Y u h8 Hoshizora ;o, also 7/10, the pictures good but the dark text would look better bold.
  4. Ahah you're one of the few people I've come to like on here, I'm honored you share those amazing songs with me and we have the same taste in music which is why it's amazing xD and hmm Spotify has quite a lot of the artists I've seen recently, they just don't have a large amount of the remixes that are amazing, Which is kind of sucky tbh but I agree that new aritsts are always showing up or are lurking in the dark ready to give us their sexy tunes Another sexy one that I found through yours.
  5. Yes yes it's another one of my threads and this time it's about games ( Other then VN ) Which you're looking forward to being released, Now I have several that are in the near future and some that have only just been announced, some of the ones that I am looking forward to are: Resident Evil 6: http://www.ubergizmo.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/06-Resident-Evil-6.jpg There has not been one resident evil game which hasn't amazed me, The first few gave me chills whether it be the Bad graphics, Horrific NPC Ideas ( Such as Nemesis, Hunters or the general idea of some of the bosses ), I'
  6. Indeed Motoko from Ghost In The Shell is probably one of the most badass female mains I've ever seen. Specially when she went all tits up on this guy.. [video=youtube;-56mT6durto]
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SelCqY37kB0&hd=1 Nope.
  8. Wasn't Yosuga no Sora a VN adaptation? The Anime for that was epic. Also I shall look into this but chances are I won't like it.
  9. As killer said, That's usually found by someone giving you the link that's given AFTER they've passed the captcha meaning that the download would be assigned to their IP, I'd suggest trying to find the original link for the VN or whatever it was you were trying to download. Are you getting this with all files on this website and if not, Which files are you getting the problem with?
  10. I officially love you and your taste for music, That track was simply amazing.. Also I never thought of having to set a backup as I changed my taste in music quite a lot so would of ended up backing up songs I didn't like >_> http://t.qkme.me/35625v.jpg
  11. Also found this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vFVLlnmeRDA
  12. It was a pain, Especially as I'd spent months amassing an amazing collection of Electro, Dubstep, House, DrumandBass as well as pretty much every other genre :/ And yes I like certain Dubstep ( not mainstream Skrillex crap )
  13. A non commercial bi-product of Caels mind , You can exchange them for sexual deeds from Kami or Nobu whenever that whore decides to come back :/
  14. There isn't a torrent for everything, So yeah that's a pretty moronic thing to say.. now OT: How do you mean you're getting the wrong IP, Can you screenshot the page you are getting when it says you have the wrong IP and post it here so it can shed some light.
  15. A lot of VN's are being finished recently, as well as a lot that are being uploaded but I should imagine it'll come up in due time so just be patient, Also ulti, Every thread of people making a request doesn't need to be "Locked" or "Deleted", As other people may have requests or questions about the game and it would save them having to make a whole new thread just to ask them.
  16. Ahh now Electro songs are something that I know a lot of ( Until I had to reformat my pc this morning and lost over 1k songs.. ) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEXZdvHptWg&hd=1
  17. Not a fan of many others from him tbh, Shall look into it, So I'll have to break the Savant chain :/
  18. With the amount of buckets you fill, I feel sorry for your balls.
  19. Because it's fully animated that's why, With all of the different routes fully animated it's going to be beyond epic. It'll be like 10 seasons rolled into 1.
  20. Eheh the anime of that made me laugh, Whilst also maintaining a serious side, Plus Lucy was pretty cute as well xD http://puu.sh/EOXZ Dat loli.
  21. Omg Win, I'm first in that guys Sig, Suck it. Jk Also same opinion as it was for his Avatar, As when it comes to Clannad, I'm just meh. 7/10
  22. Why should I thank that exactly? :S
  23. Some get boring, Whenever I change it, it's usually to my favorite Character from the current Anime/ VN/ Manga that I'm watching/ Watched/ Playing or played recently, Of course Shana being epic I'll be keeping this one for a while. And as for you I'll give it an 8/10, Kind of meh
  24. ^^ 7/10, Pretty cute but not that into Clannad
  25. Some other would be: Hatsuyuki Sakura Ren'ai Saimin ~Tsun na Kanojo ga dereru Saimin~ Maikaze no Melt -Where leads to feeling destination-
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