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Everything posted by Stàr

  1. Already spoiled so gonna ask, what do you mean? are you talking about the very last novel? also she is much better than the index
  2. If talking about pics, I like the one with color more:) 7.3333333..../10
  3. Gotta admit Wanko does look really cute:3 need Mayikoi to be done with Miyako soon so I can play
  4. 6/10-7/10 it isn't hypnotic like the other guy who has one like that...this is one gets slightly annoying tbh cause its so big and bright
  5. She lost if you look at the opening post you can see it so what can I not accept? *ahem* and I know who you mean Kyo
  6. Well I like arrogant girls because it feels quite good to break them ...and it feels better the worst they were **shivers**
  7. Man Phantasm if you wanted it to end, you should not have replied:P But lets end it here, everyone has something different that they would want to have so no one can be luckiest since something wonderful like being a king and having bitches feed you fruit while you watch some guys fight each other to death in an arena could be cool for someone or a complete pain for someone else? well the example I gave sucked huge balls but I'm sure I get the point across
  8. wonders if he copied all the avatars of he people copied his sig ;o ...well actually you copied them so 7/10 herp derp wrong thread..not gonna delete anyway
  9. Idk there is still like 6-ish more people that voted on the last match up....the conspiracy theory is true...
  10. No, cant take back votes we made that rule already
  11. I like the sig the most:P its kinda hypnotic
  12. They were good:) but after the first time its all downhill
  13. You posted this in SB yesterday, not enough to please me
  14. He wasn't tsundere at all... but I also dislike Nagisa. Any guy that has a harem and a super power or 2
  15. This is the organisations work the mount of votes is much higher than usual.....
  16. just from the trailer I would say she is gonna be more of a side heroine
  17. trololol death? but also imo steins gate anime out did the VN
  18. Yeah I also liked the looks of the blue haired one::3
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