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Everything posted by Avenger

  1. AFAIK Ivan does not run downloadani.me Ivan does not accept donations at this moment, Ads are for unregistered users only, as they're just leeching without joining (but no other penalty towards them). Ivan has other ways of making monies so we're not going down any time soon.
  2. Oh, they're good enough for your average anime watcher, but I tend to go for higher quality subs and encodes which usually means THORA or niizk.
  3. Moral of the story: Trust Avenger.
  4. (??CG?) [120226] [?????????] ????????????????? (??CG?) [120801] [?????????] ????????II-?????????- Looks like some of the dl links there work.
  5. THORA and niizk Exiled Destiny is good sometimes Haven't really looked at Doki I try to avoid Coalgirls
  6. So does Breakthrough: https://erogegames.com/eroge-visual-novels/eroge-tech-support/2158-noob-training-vedio-bare-bones/
  7. But the filename is eagle.jpg! Also the eagle is quite far from hell, being a few (a lot of) lightyears away.
  8. Tsujidou. It's pretty good. Hakako is kawaii. http://s.vndb.org/ch/08/13508.jpg
  9. Huh, I thought Ivan had uploaded it. Maybe not. Still, here you go: Mediafire DL https://erogegames.com/eroge-visual-novels/eroge-general-talk/2534-%5B-18%5D%5Bloli%5D%5Benglish%5Dbakery-marunomi/ Torrent https://erogegames.com/eroge-visual-novels/eroge-news/2482-visual-novels-translation-status-%5B01-13-2013%5D-11/#post47026
  10. 11eyes with TA Normal Yukiko is extremely annoying but crazy Yukiko makes up for that.
  11. Aleksandr Pistoletov - I Am New Russian Pirate http://www.youtube.com/watch?&v=rs9lZg9pXxc
  12. Dysfunctional Systems 1.01

    Windows https://mega.co.nz/#!ycpVDIiT!E-2WkieD7sqoER-6hZrbjhfBNepTjcFbtrb9Codpats (288.0 MB)

    Mac https://mega.co.nz/#!bEhGxLTJ!dev8bz8U8mGljDzdLxy5jEh6af00GSlf6BsNoBjMbss (282.5 MB)

    Linux https://mega.co.nz/#!GJRWUZDQ!e2dh1RO32gxH4ZRLZVBI8Db9XJNUrxZdAyfLLAvPvIE (281.1 MB)


    (1.00 => 1.01 update)




    MP3 https://mega.co.nz/#!ncwXkSTC!ZBFgyFLT7KUl0I_fDPvFBCQyIiEfYpMVOzjlk3e7Fm4 (106.3 MB)

    FLAC https://mega.co.nz/#!jJpxkSbI!SCWFdRJZfesDgf8G4D5JlSnzmecGXeZ0XbskJc3GhJw (429.6 MB)


    EDIT: Now uses Mega.co.nz instead of dropbox to free up my space. Please message me if they go down.

  13. https://erogegames.com/social/forum-games/339-hilarious-gag-manga-panel-gif-picture-thread/ Switch beat you to the chase by a whole year.
  14. AFAIK there isn't a full english patch for it. The VTL patch only contains Common route, Yukino's route as well as Ren's route and a new font. I haven't heard of any more progress on that. If you know where a full english patch is, share it, and if it's legit I might have a look for the game.
  15. Well, I'll leave you people with your overrated VNs. Rewrite did nothing special, had bad writing (I mean it's mostly written by Romeo, what do you expect?) and a plot full of holes. There was basically no character chemistry too. None of the characters fit together except maybe (at a stretch) Shizuru&Lucia, but that's probably only because they were the best characters. About the art, I agree that they all look young, but I'm a lolicon so it's all good. Kira Kira was something quite special, if only due to the music. Not a personal favourite due to a couple of characters, but I can unde
  16. 9/10 +10 majikoi -1 because not best heroine
  17. Are you high? the 16th is 2 days AFTER Valentine's day...
  18. Ok, I'll give you that one. http://www.musicko.com/wp-content/uploads/justin-bieber-baby.jpg
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