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Everything posted by switch

  1. havent played this new game yet..... but i'm a hardcore fan of DMC ...... strawberry sundae anyone?
  2. i like yuri so the hanabira series comes to mind.......i also liked clannad , chaos head and kamidori ...stein's gate is also another favorite of mine.... as for characters i like vaginas.....they can be found in most games if not all, and they are always blushing (red) although sometimes they are pale due to spilled milk or other white biological liquids
  3. i'll give it a try...i already have a manga script in my store room somewhere....time to dig it up......tomorrow
  4. switch


    By permission given to me as the lord of trolls on this website, by royal decree i announce this A GREAT GAME play it, you won't regret it.......if you do,then may my soul perish in Valhalla or erebus or wherever
  5. yup so basically you can post your fav CGs here every other day .....so that other fappers can enjoy the fun ho ho ho UPDATE you can also post any eroge screenshot that you like / love/ fap to /hate ...
  6. ^ well you might as well enjoy it while you got there......the fact that you got there in the first place means that you unconsciously chose the yaoi route by your actions in the game .this means that deep inside you might be a yaoi fan or maybe a hard core yaoist........you can find out by watching a full on hard core yaoi....ONLY THEN will you find out your true path my son.....may the power of bieber be with you
  7. i personally like to play air........although i have no time these days
  8. Y-a-o-i ........ ........yaoi.............. i will hope that the OP is a girl........
  9. ^ IF and IF i have time i MIGHT TL tayutama ......but it's a BIG IF a very BIG IF
  10. seems like i understimated F/SN hmmmm ...oh well ...... *goes to troll on skype*
  11. HO HO HO another week another contest....as promised this week many users will rage ho ho ho wanna know why? look at the poll...... ohohohohohohohohohohohohohohoho ENJOY ! \ WINNER IS FATE/STAY NIGHT
  12. my amount of screenshots are endless as well..... i will sell them to both parties in case a war breaks out......for a price ofc the price is ur anal virginity
  13. my favorite is the sensei....... those curves........ nuff said
  14. i'm watching it...........so far so mediocre but it's way better than the other anime this season also i get the feeling that maou yuusha is very similar to spice and wolf.... witty sadistic non-human female + overly virgin smart ass male + medieval theme sounds familiar
  15. sasami-san@saiyaku-kuso anime is the alternative title btw i'm dropping all anime this season except for maouyuu and honestly that doesn't seem awfully interesting either....
  16. HO HO HO ....welcome my lost lamb........enjoy "the longest journey" in the world of otaku !!!
  17. well about art....there is no such thing as right or wrong art.....anything can be art..... ^ i heard this in an anime but i can't remember which one...... and about your sigs, they are pretty good ......i make my own sigs myself but my sigs suck...... i agree with you that lens flare is overly used and about trigun's hero being a fucking pussy ... YOU ARE DAMN RIGHT! i can't say how much i hate vash or naruto ....include edward elric to that aswell oh my favourite hero is ofc lelouch from code geass.......i like his...."sense of power"
  18. ^ next week's poll will be.....very suicidal , i have to buy extra kevlar and maybe hire a few body guards...a lot of people shall rage... look forward to it ! ^_^
  19. the VNs are chosen at random by a calculator...... there is no favoritism
  20. another fapworthy contest by the honorable switch sama..... vote my dear comrades..... btw if you don't vote for clannad you are the dictionary defintion of an idiot AND the winner is..... clannad
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