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Shiro Midori

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Everything posted by Shiro Midori

  1. My first VN was 999 for the DS, before I knew what VNs were, and my first eroge was Katawa Shoujo, but after those I really got into Fate/Stay Night and it's a classic for a reason. Really AAA product.
  2. How much gameplay does a visual novel need to be considered a game? And how good does that gameplay have to be? I consider Mass Effect 1 sort of a visual novel because how awful the gunplay is, and how much time I spend in dialog versus any other gameplay.
  3. I'm gone for five and a half years and Dracu-Riot is *still* not out?
  4. Shiro Midori

    Katawa Shoujo

    Warning: The above visual novel contains dangerous amount of feels. Side effects include: Depression Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Arrhythmia Lowered libido Heightened dildo Feelings of empathy Ghost heart syndrome Loss of interest in corporeal beings Projectile crying Sexual attraction to scar tissue
  5. Shiro Midori


    If you play this game, there will be a piece torn out of your heart for all time. No doctor can mend it, no medicine heal it, no woman replace it. The creators worked solely to hear the lamentations of all who look upon it. It does not matter how much care you take, the abyss of emotion will always stare back at you. Your life will spiral into a never-ending whirlpool of torment and despair. Must-read.
  6. If you like this sort of thing, this is exactly the sort of thing you'll like. It's an excellent game of its genre.
  7. Yay Fallout Tactics. Also, I love "whatever craps your shit".
  8. I'm 21 bitcheeeeeeessss

  9. And here I thought I was the only one following Dracu-Riot's progress.
  10. Shiro Midori is deredere. An accountant with absolutely no rape fantasies. Girls ignore him, boys want to be ignored by him. Gender: F, Age: 27, Hair: Short Aqua, Weapon: Laser gun, Accs: Wristband Shiro Midori is an elf who gets impregnated by a potato and grows a sausage on the forehead. Dear Shiro Midori, I've always been watching you. It makes me feel better about myself. Thanks. -Love, Senpai
  11. We accidentally wrote it in Japanese and the translating team is taking their time. They say they'll have it done after Dracu-Riot.
  12. Change chibi to futa/trap. At least then you'll have one or more votes in every category.
  13. 08-30-2012. Now who's the oldest member in terms of age?
  14. 藤本 Fujimoto (true wisteria) 一真 Kazuma (one reality) 藤本一真 is one of the people in Orange Pekoe (band) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  15. I just finished watching both Ah! My Goddess series, so it would probably be Belldandy.
  16. I just got one of my friends to try Katawa Shoujo, and he loves it, and another of the girls I know plays Monster Girl Quest, so there's at least half-a-dozen of my friends that would just ask which game it was. Even Milk Pot wouldn't be that hard to explain. And yet another friend has an entire guro folder on his laptop, so even Dustmania wouldn't be cause for losing friends.
  17. I think that if more eroges came over to explicitly sell in the U.S., they'd stay away from the really controversial stuff until the very end.
  18. I actually didn't realize it was my birthday Sunday until about 4 pm when I went on my FB and email.

  19. Thanks, that worked! I'll try to remember that for future reference. I seem to remember trying to do something like that for Wanko to Kurasou and it not working for me or other people.
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