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Everything posted by iLoveTsundere

  1. たぶんそうじゃないかと思うんです [Translation] That's probably not the case. [Actual] That's probably the case. ​^ THIS ALWAYS MAKES ME LAUGH HARD HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAH. ha.
  2. Not sure if i'll give Yumina a spin later on , probably , but not a huge priority. As a sidenote , how are you liking Corpse Party?
  3. Its quite alright. Try on vndb , maybe some kind soul will read your plea (but i sincerely doubt it , Majikoi is deader than dead and no one will probably every translate it completely , at least not at this pace. )
  4. No one here is translating Majikoi.
  5. well even if he did fix them , it took other people to post his obvious mistakes for him to do anything about it. do note that these translations on those pics are easy to translate to in english assuming you know the context. he cant translate anything properly basically. leaves me no other choice but to read it raw.
  6. what cross said basically. and as far as the partial patch for dracu riot seeming ok , it looks ok in english but its far from the real meaning. click HERE. these are just a few examples.
  7. >insem's translations. will read dracu-riot raw. have fun with dolphins.
  8. Time travelling isnt cheating. Get in the DeLorean! 8/10
  9. I thought Sumaga Special had been dropped? So why is it still on the list? Someone else picked it up?
  10. currently catching up on minamoto-kun monogatari.
  11. damnit i still need to catch up on watamote , havent watched an ep since ep2 O:
  12. here Doki Doki Oyako Lesson - 100%CG Walkthrough.txt
  13. i will read that just because of the tsundere term coinage. and sumika.
  14. Cobra Mission . From 1991 , still uses CGA graphics , but its pretty good for its time. Also , Knights of Xentar (Dragon Knight 3) , from Elf , the legendary VN gameplay devs. But oldies but goodies.
  15. Do you have pspdisp installed? if you do uninstall it and it should work. Otherwise check your display. Are you running on 16bit color scheme (for who knows what reason)? change it to True Color (32 bit) if yes. If that still doesnt work try updating your card drivers.
  16. Kami faps to literally everything. Even spriteless backgrounds.
  17. moeblob illya. just what battler neededfor his favorite heart-wrenching loli.
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