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Everything posted by Ivs

  1. Ivs

    Monster Girl Quest 2

    ^Agreed. But it is safe to say that its more than half a year.^
  2. What? are you serious? I only play the first vn so i don't know about this second vn. But....... SonofaGun. Who the f**k bang her. Imma go rampage. No, i am positive that you are mistaken. At least i think/hope so. P/S Btw, Where did you guys download this game?
  3. G-Senjou no Maou - Need to ask? This VN is one of the BEST ever. Hinata Bokko - VN is short, so maybe anime will turn out to be great. Monster Girl Quest - Its like a dream come true. Lol Crescendo - No strong reason actually, just love the VN. Sharin No Kuni - Same reason as G-Senjou no Maou.
  4. I finish this VN a couple of month but still think this is one of the BEST vn ever. But 8 year skip is a bit to much for Kyousuke and even for us. He miss 7 year of his daughter's life, he never see his daughter growing from infant to... well 7 year old kid. D*mn that Maou, what sort of apology is that... I feel like i wanna rewrite the whole vn. LoL And there is no cg for Haru at the end of the story, how disappointing.... As for the other girls end, i think tsubaki end is the best out of the three...
  5. Ivs


    one of the best vn ever. the story is really good.
  6. Me too. most of my friend only read manga, some of them are into anime but none of them play eroge.
  7. I would vote for them all if i could do that. I like all of those girls cause i am the biggest pervert in the world. lol
  8. Ivs

    Koihime Musou

    @Olaf - but from what i heard, Koihime Musou is better without voice patch. because the voice are not synchronized with the text.
  9. I am thinking the same thing. lol I agree with some people here that things like mod and staff should be made later after this forum got bigger.
  10. harvest moon series is a great game (currently playing tales of two town for walkthrough purpose). but i think rune factory series is better.
  11. i have a problem with this vn too. i can play this vn but at some point the game crash when selecting option.
  12. Never. I am a master of stealth. I even play eroge in living room in daytime and NONE has ever caught me. Talk about a nimble fingers and extremely sharp sense.
  13. Ivs


    starting to download.
  14. 吉国 Yoshikuni (good fortune country) 一真 Kazuma (one reality) What is good fortune country meaning exactly? My country has many political issue right now (well, just some minor issue actually) LoL One reality ? Ohhh soo very true. "Deceive me not, for i am the Truth"
  15. it is sad, but it can't be help. the anime is catching on the manga.
  16. You forgot to add suikoden series Ryu. That is one of the great rpg ever.
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