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Everything posted by killerinsidee

  1. That game is so bad, no one should even consider playing it. That controversy should have been about how much it sucks and not about some offensive content nonsense.
  2. Grisaia update - https://twitter.com/koestl/status/296062574712193025.
  3. Ah, I haven't realized it. If that's the case I'll be sure to play it, soon™.
  4. Online walkthrough for people who can't find the game folder - http://amaterasu.tindabox.net/RewriteWalkthrough.txt
  5. Ah, that's the 100 yen VN yeah321 was talking about, will play. Seems bad, pass.
  6. Final Fantasy IV: The Complete Collection, can't go wrong with that one. You could also go for Riviera(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Riviera:_The_Promised_Land).
  7. Fair enough. Some people finished Moon/Terra in 2-3 hours or something. Only vol. 1-3 are fully translated with vol. 4 underway, but it's a kinda stalled right now - http://oreimothetranslation.wordpress.com.
  8. I'll leave this here - https://twitter.com/Sheeta_Su/status/295432296163586048.
  9. [spoiler=Clannad]Not sure if I posted these before. The "crying" song - And the ED song -
  10. Can you try putting the game in just c:/? The fact that it's under the Users folder may cause problems.
  11. A threesome with them WILL happen, I'm sure of it. This manga knows no bounds.
  12. The only one I didn't like was New Vegas. It didn't really feel post apocalyptic, with Vegas almost intact after the war, not to mention that you're surrounded only be desert. I would say that the Fallout 1 had the best setting, with Fallout 2 close second. Though having a ship as a city in Fallout 3 was very clever. Another thing I hated about New Vegas is the "choose factions" endgame nonsense, they really botched that part. One nice thing about Vegas was the hardcore mode, if only they put it into Fallout 3, that would have been really great.
  13. I wrote it in my last post, we are not talking about every VN out there, only those that have a more serious and relevant plot/story. To answer your question, it's because there's a demand for it, simple as that. There are a lot of VN genres to choose from - from nukige, light comedy ones, mystery, to nakige, etc, etc. The point I'm trying to make is that this is not a "Fuck all h-scenes from every VN ever" hate thread, some of us just don't like seeing them in more serious VN genres, while h-scenes in let's say nukige are fine because that genre is made just for that purpose. Mix and matching
  14. We told him to apply a while back, don't think he did.
  15. You already asked about this in the other thread.
  16. switch Though I think ulti has some wrong information about Haruka's TL.
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