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Bane Doyle

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Everything posted by Bane Doyle

  1. Key has stated in interviews KyoAni turned THEM down, and KyoAni has been reported to be "happy they aren't doing the project". ... KyoAni, why? 8|
  2. SITES: Lemmasoft forum VNDB 4Chan (the VN thread and wallpaper board mostly) YouTube NetFlix Hulu Wikipedia CrunchyRoll (and pretty much every anime streaming site ever) NaNoWriMo WRITE OR DIE GoodReads/Anime-Planet/tracking sites in general TV Tropes (mostly for lolz) A forum for my favorite movie Programs: Celtx Focus Writer Notepad++ Trillian Freeplane Google Chrome/FireFox Winamp EZ Text Reader (damn my eyesight) DropBox/SugarSync Aside from the obvious. *points at screen*
  3. Yeah... I kinda enjoyed this, but probably not for the right reasons. This is one of the ones you should play before getting to the big stuff, I think, or it may be ruined by the quality of better games. It's like when you eat gourmet dessert. Plain ice cream with chocolate syrup is good, but it's not a molten chocolate lava cake from Rainforest Cafe. ... I like my food metaphors, as you can see...
  4. Not sure how I feel about the design/art changes just yet, but I like what we're seeing so far. I just started these games and I'm on the fence about maybe looking forward to this and maybe not.
  5. *is highly pleased like this* YES. I AM LOOKING FORWARD TO THIS!
  6. Perfect English does not always mean "English that sounds like something someone would say" so I have to agree again. It is one thing to change the meaning of the sentence (going back to my example, that doesn't change the meaning at all, it just makes it flow better to me), I do have to agree with him there. But small changes to make it flow is different, it makes it easier to read and makes it more enjoyable, so changes are not inherently bad unless the original context is thrown out the window.
  7. You mean taiyaki? ... couldn't he add that after giving an explanation? It's rather well known in the west even if most people don't know what it is called.
  8. The problem with doing it that way is that it sounds funny, sadly. Grammatically correct doesn't always mean it sounds good, especially not if it is a character speaking. Still, from what I have seen FH's is better than most machine translations so I think it is likely this is what happened. I only know... like .001% Japanese, but if I tried to machine translate I wouldn't feel right just fixing the grammar to make it readable, I would feel the urge to go back and REWRITE many lines until they flowed properly. ("Dinner was delicious, mom!" always sounds better to me than "mom, dinner tas
  9. Apparently she gets less annoying as it goes on but... that was coming from 4Chan so I take that with a grain of salt.
  10. Huh... this was interesting to read. I'm not what I'd call a "fan" of loli, but I don't mind it nearly as much as many people I know. Probably because that since I know the Age of Consent in Japan nationwide is 13 I know that, say, a 12 year old in eroge would be akin to a 17 year old in American porn comics. At least that is how I see it. *shrug* I can enjoy it, I just don't really get a kick out of it.
  11. ^ OH GOD ROMANCE NOVELS Some are good, really good, but when I hear that I immediately think "POORLY WRITTEN SEX ROMPS FTW". XD They're nice for a good read though. Not my cup of tea but hey, it DOES get the point across. I'd suggest Hakuoki if you have a PSP. No sexy times but it is rather mature. There IS a translated trial for an 18+ Otome game out, Izanai. There's links for it on VNDB, and yes there is sex in it.
  12. This season is a mixed bag for me. I can't watch any sequels or tie ins because I skipped their originals and I am playing catch up (I always wait for them to be completely aired for some reason) and some of the original stuff has similar concepts to stuff a couple seasons ago (AKB0048 reminds me of Idol Master. I wonder which one will be better). Then again a lot of them sound REALLY good this time around too. LIKE LUPIN. AGH I CAN'T WAIT FOR THAT ONE. I can't judge any of the other shows until they air but LUPIN should prove amazing. Hopefully.
  13. 30+ is preferred for me, granted I would hope that there is some semblance of great characters, story, or plot with a game this long. I've enjoyed very short nukige with little plot to speak of, and I have enjoyed very long ones with GREAT characters. But I have also played short ones with very little sex that I found extremely boring, the same with long ones with only a few sex scenes. The same has happened in reverse. I prefer longer games is all, I don't think the actual length has anything with how good the story, characters, plot, or sex is. If I find it entertaining and/or enjoyabl
  14. I'm more drawn to yandere and artist characters than the listed heroine types, as well as classmates. *shrug* But in the end I don't think it matters much to me.
  15. Implying that out of the 15 fellow fanfiction writers I know that write porn, 13 of them are women. Not counting myself, that would make it 14 out of 16 And most that I read are written by girls too, I actually have a hard time finding male fanfiction writers at all (though I KNOW I must be missing them, there are a ton who I must be overlooking. THEY EXIST). And I'd join the dating pool, but I already have a chika I have my eye on. Sorry guys. XD
  16. I am hoping this is not a cruel April Fool's joke and just a poorly timed announcement.
  17. And quite a few (untranslated sadly, except for one or two that I know of, and one is a trial) are 18+ to boot. Not to mention the YURI ones for some. It's just like reading a book with the opposite gender MC (Like Harry Potter) if the actual gender flop confuses people. Honestly, since it is this medium I don't think this question is the same as the similar "girls who play games" question I see everywhere. More like "do girls like PORN?" Yes. Girls enjoy porn or do not mind it with good characters and/or stories. If girls didn't do you think there would be so much porn fanfiction?
  18. ^ Somewhat agreed. I used to have an issue of VERY slight lines between letters and/or words while playing their games... and then I switched to Japanese locale and FIXED. 8| MG. What do you DO with your games? I want to know how that HAPPENS. If I am not mistaken they took a poll for... Soul Link (?) asking about the kinds of fonts people preferred. I am not sure if that helps or hinders it, I haven't played their later games quite yet. And Hana to Otome? ME GUSTA.
  19. I don't know how Amaterasu does it. 8| THEY ARE GODLY. I am certain that a lot of the translators at MG and Jast do like visual novels, but many translators can be easily hired for ANY job freelance wise. I am sure that, especially with Jast purchasing finished or complete translations, some of the on board translators they get are freelance ones who just need a job. And, speaking from experience, when you work freelance with ANYTHING many times you either take on a lot at once or you work extremely quickly, making yourself either slow or sloppy accordingly. It sucks. 8| (By the way, I
  20. I'd love to see a full series based on Kara no Shoujo. I KNOW it has a 2 episode OVA but it's... not great. And it is hentai so it sucks that I can't SHARE it with anyone because there is still porn in it. 8| *grumbling about people who won't watch things with sex in it* Aside from that, Swan Song, Kana Little Sister, and Cross Channel are my biggies right now.
  21. Lucky Star and Oreimo do have VNs, but sadly they don't have translations and they aren't eroge so... I think I'll jump on those myself.
  22. True, very true. They have been getting faster and better (in comparison to their first 4 games, they are SO much better), so perhaps it won't take too terribly long. For all I know they're translating what has already been programmed. Not likely, but hey, it's a dream. We could see simultaneous release, but again, wishful thinking. At least we know it's been licensed though, it's just a waiting game now.
  23. MG has already announced DCIII so you won't have to wait long for that.
  24. I'd love for more horror VNs to be translated. Just... more HORROR. I love horror VNs. I'd also love to see Shiei no Sona-Nyl -What a beautiful memories- and Hikari no Valusia ~What a Beautiful Hopes~ translated. Heck, just the REST of the What A Beautiful games. What can I say, I love Liar-Soft games and this series. Though, given Amaterasu having translated two of the series and 3 L-S games, I think this might be higher than any of my horror games.
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