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Everything posted by radiantmadness

  1. I didn't even know Higanbana! Guess I'll play that after MLA:) It's seems like a dark VN and that's exactly what I like, 'insane shion laughter'.

  2. thank you you guys. Can't wait to start alternative now;) Guess I'll 100% muv luv first to get more attached to the characters.
  3. Hello everynyan, not sure if this is the right play, but I'm currently playing muv luv unlimited and I have a problem, I guess since this is about the ending it's a spoiler. I hope someone can help me, because I'm allready in love with muv luv before even starting Alternative:)
  4. yeah:) My '07th expansion status' is: I watched the Higurashi anime and read the manga completly (this got me introduced to 07thexpansion) and in the VN I'm at tsumiboroshi-hen (the watergun scene).

    Umineko: the first 4 episodes finished and currently waiting for the ps3 umitweak patch to be released for Chiru. I don't mind the artwork but I got used to hearing the (absolutly splendid) voices in the first 4 episodes.... ZEN ZEN DAMEDDA ZEN!!!

  5. haha nice,I suddenly remember:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s4YTfocyrMo
  6. personally I 100% most of my VN's, currently the only exception is Fate/stay. But I'm thinking of replaying that.
  7. I somehow stumbled across your 'music I love list' on youtube, many good tracks in there! Also it's good to see another 07th expansion fan:)

  8. This But somehow the only VN where I REALLY cried was Gin'iro, the english was just too crappy, the plot not that good, yet the first 2 chapters made me cry.... Edit: Here is that chapter 1 with Italian subs on youtube:
  9. started playing Hoshimemo, it's better than I expected so far!
  10. PERSONA3 Fes OP - YouTube cause I'm playing this recently
  11. technically not all of these are from eroges (some are from VN's), but I'll hope you forgive me:) umineko: (the feels at the end of the 4th chapter still make me shiver...) Higurashi (of course you have visionen im spiegel with all it's versions too, but everyone allready knows those I guess): (played at the most epic scene ever) Little busters: [KeyFC][Little Busters] Faraway~Haruka Kanata~.mkv - YouTube aoishiro: Aoishiro OP song - Yami no Kanata ni - YouTube (didn't like the game much, but this is certainly one of the best openings ever) Steins;gate St
  12. it made me rage through, cause I don't like 'the girl he ends up with'. Good manga through!
  13. I know it's waaay too late to react on such an old topic, but anyways it was pretty great! The only problem is that the ending credits would have been an opening movie if this was a 'full fletched' VN. I want more Yoishi! The art was great btw and the horror not too bad... also I liked the simple ending credits music lol: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhZ7zNyazW4 Edit: does anyone know any VN's, anime's or manga's with similair themes? I read/watched dusk maiden of amnesia btw. edit2: I just realized there is more, hope it gets translated http://sai-zen-sen.jp/works/fictions/phenom
  14. persona 4 sig=me gusta :)

  15. happy so far, the opening is good and the episode was a good adaption of the VN too!
  16. 8/10 very nice avatar, but I don't really like short haired girls....
  17. I demand knowing from what anime your sig is, for .... reasons you know;)

  18. my favorite song of one of my favorite strategy games, the part around 0:57 is just amazing, note that this is played ingame which makes it more awesome:) I just love playing as one of the Japanese daimyos because I know them all from Sengoku rance, hurr hurr.
  19. 8/10, cute but a bit too zoomed out in my opinion
  20. I guess I'll burst in here without reading the previous 40 pages by asking: why do you guys like this VN? (haven't read it yet) Has it amazing heroines? or amazing plot twists? or something else maybe... hope you guys can answer my question because I'm doubtfull whether to read this or not...
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