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Everything posted by Dubs

  1. [video=youtube;LIDxOei2-BI]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LIDxOei2-BI&hd=1 Hooray for non Anime/VH related music
  2. I can see this thread turning into how that R-18 debate turned into, BRING ALL THE HATE! http://assets.memeology.com/hfs/media/066/e63/dcd/resized/memeology-com-807833.jpg
  3. Hi and welcome to the forums, Have a welcome picture. http://reachhispanic.com/wp-content/plugins/popular-posts-plugin/60s-spiderman-moves-like-jagger-i14.jpg Surprise.
  4. ^ Wasn't talking about you being a Nobu hater, was talking about Ultim.
  5. ^ Heh, Indeed he is most probably a Nobu hater.
  6. ^ Clearly loves talking about other men getting erections around him.
  7. ^ You've only just realized that? She's like the perfect Loli oh and my Waifu
  8. ^ You're a double idiot with extra idiot added in to make the worlds biggest Idiot.. Idiotic enough for you?
  9. Well I'm not sure I've ever seen something as lame as falling off a ladder, but if their death was in vain or meaningless then yeah I would rather the guy lives then dies, more for a Tragedy right at the last minute then most happy endings I've seen.
  10. I'm one for death as well, just no to much of it, and depending on how and why the person died, if they died for a really crappy reason then it tends to annoy me.
  11. Another song I'd like to add, It's actually an hour mix but I've not been able to stop listening to it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wh7einZnXYU&hd=1
  12. ^ Knows me to well. http://1mut.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/60s-spiderman-meme-collection-1mut.com-8.png
  13. I +1 that, I'm all for a bit of gore, But I want atleast one ending where someone doesn't get ripped apart or discombobulated..
  14. Now that, Is messed up stuff right there... Also win, Dracu is nearly on 10% heh and shall be looking forward to Jast releasing School Days finally next month unless they fall back on their word yet again in which case I'll be pissed >_>
  15. It may not be nice, But at times you just have to be blunt with people, The world is a harsh place and the Internet is no different.
  16. Not so much about the spamming itself, More about the Moronicness in posting 2 or 3 times after each other when you could just edit the original post.
  17. Meh, Guess I'll take Tsukuyomi Komoe from Toaru Majutsu no Index http://seriousmoe.files.wordpress.com/2010/09/komoe6.jpg
  18. At 2 lolis a week this thread will probably die out sooner or later just like the last.
  19. http://thepwnzone.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/naughty_memes_i_bet_its_spider_man_comics_meme_base_6-s500x368-147493-580.jpg
  20. http://www.troll.me/images/sweet-jesus-have-mercy/sweet-jesus-thumb.jpg Defo buying that book when it's released.
  21. Even though it's 6 in the morning and I've not actually been to sleep yet..
  22. ^ If you're new to the forums then this really really really isn't the best topic to get started with dude >_>
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