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Everything posted by Dubs

  1. Just for you, I'll look through my masses of pictures and find some for your resolution and I'll upload the folder to mediafire or something as it'll be easier then posting each individual picture, Plus I've searched pretty much every wallpaper site out there ADHD ftw?
  2. Anime wallpapers or Normal wallpapers?
  3. Thought about Pre-Ordering School Days from Jast, Didn't wanna pay 39.95.. Meh I'll just wait till some poor sap buys it and uploads it http://puu.sh/z2b3 Bitch Please.. Plus shipping costs to the UK.. That's money that could be spent on beer instead, Call me a cheap skate but I'd choose beer over VN anyday.
  4. Yeah but they were like TL;DR :/
  5. Lol, Watched the whole of Elfen Lied yesterday and rewatched the same part 3 times to make sure I wasn't reading the sub wrong, Unfortunately I was watching it through Youtube on my phone at the time so I had to see if someone else had seen it and taken a picture of it, here it is. http://brog.engrish.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/Elfen-Lied.jpg
  6. Dubs

    E3 Thread

    Halo, Gears of War, Fable and Resident Evil are gonna be pretty sweet, I've yet to look on the websites or watch any videos due to not being able to access a PC today and am posting this from my Blackberry, would normally be excited about some other stuff but as Cael said Microsoft are a fail, I'm surprised they're allowing the use of iPads on Microsoft products, Many lulz but shall read into it more when next near a PC.
  7. Installed Limbo, Got to the menu then shut it, Haven't actually played any of them yet as I lack the energy.
  8. We already have one of these threads. https://erogegames.com/social/general-discussions-debates/254-post-your-wallpaper/
  9. None, Getting myself ready for School Days HQ. Need plenty of mental preparation for the gore. http://www.memedictionary.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/awww-yeah-1024x639.png http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/150/669/He%20Said%20Awww%20Yeah.png
  10. Sounds pretty sweet, One of the main reasons why I'm looking forward to it, Also I learned not to judge it from the Anime ending because there are plenty of endings in the VN.
  11. Lol at the size difference in the Soundtracks.. http://i48.tinypic.com/2s16gcl.png Damn I forgot how large FLAC is..
  12. Look like they got good firmness and shape, size could be worked on a bit though.. Give him my number and I'm sure we can hook up sometime xD Jk
  13. Or the guides that are on the main games website for changing locale. W7 : Changing to Japanese locale on Windows 7 | Eroge Download Vista : Installing Japanese support for Windows Vista | Eroge Download XP : Installing Japanese support for Windows XP | Eroge Download
  14. HD + SubWoofer up as loud as it goes + This Song = Profit
  15. Don't worry... If you get Amnesia we can play it together at the same time ... Not cus I'm scared of it or anything >_> completely not the reason.
  16. Hell narrr, Can never get enough of Shana, One of the most enjoyable animes I've ever watched, Fell in love with Shana, The Protagonist wasn't actually a major douche for once, and the episodes never failed to entertain me, It's a shame if they never make anymore of it.
  17. Anime was epic, Just wish there was more :/
  18. Amnesia soundtrack? Yeah yeah that should totally help me to get to sleep at night >_> Gotta love the sound of Screaming, People being ripped apart and feint moaning.. thx for the infoz though, I'll look into it
  19. Definately 12 for me, Was the most enjoyable and I could play that game again and again and again without ever getting bored of it.
  20. Oui Oui, I'm a huge fan of the Anime side of the RE franchise, Degeneration was amazing plus Both Anime, Live Action Films and games, Oh and did I mention... ZOMBIES?! . IT'S LIKE THE BEST FRANCHISE IN THE WORLD!
  21. The 6 game looks mother fucking epic but in the same way, looks crap as they really seem to be stretching out the resident evil franchise, But also they have a new Anime film coming out that's going to be epic as well. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNJyv8gT2ZE By Anime I mean CG, It's still Japanese though.
  22. The fact being most anime can barely fit enough into 12 episodes without people wanting more, they've gone and done 10 episodes in the season which was meant to be a follow up of the popular first season, I'm sure people across the globe are raging on forums just like this about this as well.
  23. Well we had one for Eroge so I thought WHY NOT BE BAD ASS AND MAKE ONE FOR ANIME AS WELL! No limit to what you can post as long as it's a screenshot ( Duh ), I've seen a few Sub fails and "Subliminal messages" in some Animes which have been fansubbed so I'll go ahead and post a few of them, You guys probably watch a hell of a lot more Anime then I do so I'm sure you have some funny screenshots or know of some sub fails as well. http://puu.sh/tNUv http://puu.sh/qCb8 http://puu.sh/qCdy Feel free to post yours.
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