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Everything posted by Dubs

  1. Oh and this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SosW6j41uno&hd=1
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vwoG61y6Lz8&hd=1
  3. Being that currently there is no way of becoming a Forum Mod at all, it was a 5 minute idea and the I hadn't yet thought about Applications, But I can see your point. http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs31/f/2008/211/1/9/joker_clap_by_Majin820.gif
  4. Mk allow me to elaborate on the forum post part, I'm NOT saying that as soon as they reach a certain amount of posts that they be made a Forum Mod, I'm saying that as they reach a certain amount of posts they become applicable for Forum Mod of which Ivan would choose to have them or not, As someone who made a minimum of 800 bullshit posts would be pretty known around the forums as a spammer and wouldn't get it.
  5. It was an idea I thought of like 5 mins ago, As I don't/ have rarely spoke to Ivan I don't know what he's like nor do I know his choice in people, the Post count part was a variable choice although if they've been around long enough to post that much then I don't see why it's a horrible idea.
  6. Just a quick suggestion for Ivan really but you can share your thoughts on it, I think people who have reached a certain amount of posts E.G 800, 1000, 1500 or whatever should be given Forum Moderator access to deal with the income of Spambots on the occasion that he isn't on to ban the spam account and remove the spam. Also as they've proved they can behave and whatnot. Ty to Cael for the idea. Share your thoughts. http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/270/0/5/the_banhammer___marie_has_it_by_kilama-d2zl8he.jpg
  7. Meh if he gave people who reached a certain amount of posts forum mod then these shitty foreign spambots would be banned.
  8. Ah haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.. Ha. Good luck with your Exam bro.
  9. First 2 seasons were 480P, 3RD Season + extras was in HD so yeah it came to that much, Just started downloading Hidan no Aria and Kiss x Sis in HD and that comes to around 13GB, Although Shana has 24 Ep Seasons where as Kiss x Sis and Aria only have 12 ep Seasons. http://puu.sh/AZhG
  10. http://coalgirls.wakku.to/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/cube_cursed_curious_1023.jpg http://moetron.com/newfiles/kojika_caps136.jpg http://www.moeside.net/weblog/wp-content/uploads/2007/KodomonoJikan11Figure_114C4/akibakko118742693775627.jpg [ATTACH=CONFIG]4828[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]4829[/ATTACH]
  11. Sorry to break your all asian posts, But just gonna slip some Swedish girls in here. http://www.geekologie.com/2009/06/26/swedish%20knockers.jpg
  12. I don't really pay attention to the opening themes in Anime normally ( Usually just skip it ) but I've recently started watching a series again and found the opening theme quite enjoyable for it's oriental style sounds and shiz, Also OP should be able to be put in this thread as well. From Cube x Cursed x Curious
  13. EVERY Kiss x Sis pic is a good pic. http://assets.sakuafk.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/12/kiss_x_sis_00002.png or here: Let me google that for you
  14. +1 This, In my eyes Kiss x Sis was one of the very few all Ecchi & Romance animes which actually got away with it, of course a lot of people will disagree with me here. Though the picture isn't even from Kiss x Sis, More Zero no Tsukaima..
  15. See it's pathetic pictures and stuff like that that ruin it, I know I don't have to pay attention to it but it just gets annoying when a picture is ruined by something so hideous..
  16. I know you're using a real Mac, as the screenshots made quite obvious, but as I said, If I'd wanted to have an OSx then I'd use my Mac, Fortunately I only use my Mac when I have no other options or when I get bored, Until then it can carry on gathering dust.
  17. Awkward when it isn't even an OSx shell, If I wanted to make it look like a Mac on a PC I'd use Snow Leopard Transformation.. or you know, I'd use my Mac..
  18. Pfft, Well I can do that too. http://puu.sh/AEcZ
  19. A drawings thread missing one thing...... . . . . . . The drawings.
  20. http://i.imgur.com/iLyOc.png http://www.rabbitpoets.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/acchi-kocchi-1.jpg http://angryanimebitches.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/acchi-kocchi-wear.png One of the best Loli's out there, No doubt about it, What more evidence do you need. Also Loli's apparently don't need to be flat chested, http://moetron.com/screencaps/kojika/dvd01/kojika_dvd019.jpg As Mimi from Kodomo no Jikan shows.
  21. Wouldn't exactly say fetish :S, Mine is a minor interest.
  22. http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m517zc7gM21rqc9vo.png
  23. Woo for being 1366 x 768 on a Desktop screen!
  24. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twALhyXTJk8 This guys remixes are fucking godlike.. Nuff said.
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