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Everything posted by Dubs

  1. http://i52.tinypic.com/2qx3wgw.gif http://i1232.photobucket.com/albums/ff370/tYyPp1/K-ON-DontcomeGitah.gif
  2. Dracu Is on a nice steady sub progression and School Days for late June eh?
  3. Happy, Oh and have the urge to listen to music on full volume, None of that shitty OP music, I'm talking about Drum And Bass plus some others.
  4. Long time since anyone last replied to this, but the 10th episode of this has actually made my week, I couldn't stop laughing at it even if nothing much really developed, Definitely 10/10 for that
  5. Heh, I just restarted downloading my Anime collected, Started with the whole of Shakugan no Shana which came to about 16 - 17 GB, Wondering what my next Anime to download will be. ( No I'm not asking for suggestions. )
  6. It is now because it's happened, but that was said earlier and shortly after it did end up turning into a flame war, So yeah.
  7. ( Plus I think the folder contains some kind of Hentai movie because there's a readme in it saying the seperate video file is a Shana movie but no the movie I'm expecting o.O )
  8. There is no definition to perfect as each person has their own thoughts on what is perfect, what may be perfect to one person may be terrible to another person.. Everything has it's downside, People may say IRL Girls aren't perfect because each has their own problems so they think 2D girls are perfect, Others may say 2D Girls aren't perfect because they aren't real, you can't physically touch them, they can only reply in ways that they've been programmed to so they may enjoy the company of IRL Girls more. Whether whatever reason that it may be for you not liking one or the other, i
  9. Lol people will have their own opinions and I can see this turning into a massive flame war, As this community is split with the people that are either Shut ins which Play eroge/ watch anime and read manga 24/7 against those that occasionally watch/ play/ read whilst maintaining a social life.
  10. "Most" is also a major exaggeration, Plus there are girls in VN's & Anime which are also slutty as well.
  11. Yeah don't throw all IRL girls into the same group pl0x, that's a major exaggeration to think they all dress like sluts. Whilst the limits with Anime girls are endless and have fallen in love with a few of them ( Not fully in love, Just enjoy seeing them because of certain traits or just how epic they are ) but fortunately I'd choose IRL girls over Anime girls, Since I've been in a relationship with my GF for just over a year now as well.
  12. If it's All the games then it could be a number of things, PC Specs, System Directories ( Where you're installing the games & patches to ). Or how OMA said, you may not be using the Patch .exe, Most patches come with seperate .exe, Which games are you talking about because "All of them" seems a bit exaggerated.
  13. So basically you don't like people dying, many Lulz.
  14. I used to have that one, Although dafuq at the sentence. I already knew about Konachan, I just couldn't find one that I liked on there.
  15. Maybe the anime which I named right before naming the person...............................................................
  16. Heh, normally I would but I've been searching for a good Shana one to fit for a while now, So if others would want it then they can search for it themselves.
  17. ^ Think they should just start dating already http://53rg10.files.wordpress.com/2009/02/regios_04-05.jpg
  18. http://puu.sh/zmuN Shall be my last update for a while, I've gone back to using only 1 picture, Finally found a good Shana one that fits my res.
  19. Meh, was to lazy to make a oversized folder, but there should be quite a few in here : Pics For Cael.zip unfortunately no naughty pictures although if they mean that much to you I'll have another search tomorrow and upload them.
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