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Everything posted by Caelistas

  1. Hmm usefull info, thanks. Think you can find some links for the japanese game? Can't seem to find a thrustworthy - non japanese written source. I'll try it out with machine translation.
  2. Found this on youtube, immidiatly got to think of MGQ Anyone knows about a translation of this goin on? OR can get me the original jap game files, i'll try it out with machine translation.
  3. Lol, wouldn't count on it, seeing as the VN was made by an international "amateur" team of 4channers.
  4. Erogedownload : You've got nukige's : 1% story, 99% "screwin" You've got eroge's : 90% story, 10% "screwin" you've got visual novels/all ages titles: 100% story, 0% "screwin" you've got some eroge rpg's: (Utaweremono, Rance series, Kamidori,....) Don't like this kind of games? Then this forum is probably not for you.
  5. Note: Oreimo Plus is a nukige, 1% story, 99% fuckin kirino http://img526.imageshack.us/img526/9421/titlev.jpg http://animecooll.blogspot.be/2011/08/grandcrossore-no-imouto-plus.html http://www.mobygames.com/images/shots/l/539763-love-death-555-realtime-lovers-windows-screenshot-main-menus.jpg patch: Love Death 555 HF Patch - Downloads - HongFire.com | Anime | Manga | Games | MMORPG | Friendly Community Gamefiles: ? I've got them from hongfire, can't find the original thread anymore, if requested i'm willing to upload it myself. http://i240.photobucket.com/albums/ff99/Ced
  6. 6... 6 years? Wow i feel sorry for you. There's only one way to deal with bullies and that's to take a stand and (if needed/provoked) attack them. Only way they will learn. Fuck all those "experts" telling you to snitch to your teachers or "just passivly let it happen and ignore the bullies". I got bullied once in high school and i simply punched "the leader" of the bullies in the face. Never got bullied afterwards.
  7. Just to piss onemanarmy off: http://www.major-arcana.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/Family-project-cover.jpg http://www.major-arcana.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/Family-Project-cast.jpg http://media.giantbomb.com/uploads/0/4938/618126-kazoku_02.jpg I'd screw the black haired (tsundere? - 99% sure) girl and the girl with the glasses who's smoking.
  8. *Looks at comments...... VNHunter, Ultimecea, there's a shoutbox you know if you want to diss eachother
  9. Yeah i "played" eheum Oreimo with machine translation Love death 555 [video=youtube;5-Xg_rjMZxU]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-Xg_rjMZxU Untranslated aswell, so machine translation aswell for that one Eur yeah, haven't even completed one route of it so... have yet to play it.
  10. Pick one out http://i240.photobucket.com/albums/ff99/Cedric5859/rg.jpg
  11. "Can't use the connected file GGD" ->You're attempting to run the crack file as if it were the game executable. You need to copy/cut & paste the crack (.exe file) to the game installation directory (where you installed the game on you harddrive) and then run the game. (Basic "Pirating" skill 101...) Really can't be more specific then this. For all other questions check out the F.A.Q section. http://erogedownload.com/faq/ Protip: change your applocale in japanese aswell, most eroge (except "officially translated ones" from mangagamer/jast) require you to change your applo
  12. Euhrm.. in the middle of my exams. Pipe down No offence
  13. happy b day

  14. lol thanks for you effort dubs, i'll check them out EDIT: Damn, there are some really nice ones between them ,awesome stuff. If you have more awesome 1900x1200 pics you may always send them to me
  15. http://www.game-ost.com/static/covers_soundtracks/4457_179659.jpg
  16. What do you think? Anime/ecchi/visual novel/eroge ones ofc.
  17. Unfortunatly i can only speak & read a couple western languages.... nothing asian. (Dutch, English,German,French) Really wished i had japanese classes in high school or something instead of the crappy french i had to learn. Would make eroge reading so much easier.
  18. Hoshizora e Kakaru Hashi & Oreimo Plus + 9000 other ones I want them all translated
  19. Yeah, i thought of Irina aswell immidiatly. Also: Well duh they'd have to hire american voice actors just for a few english lines in a japanese eroge, it simply ain't worth it. Also i think it would be a real bitch finding western female voice actors in japan who want to do eroge games.....
  20. Same here bruh Btw playing this: http://vndb.org/v2968 It's semi-readable with machine translation, i just need a understandable walkthrough now
  21. Anyone has some totally hot & awesome 1900x1200 res HD wallpapers?
  22. drunk... also wtf is up with everyone's signatures these days, they are big as fuck and take up half the comment screen.
  23. Caelistas

    E3 Thread

    Only one that interests me is "Watch dogs", but i fear it's gonna fail and gonna be one scripted linear mess. I want to play that new Sim City game aswell but i'm not gonna buy it, i'm done with EA and origin.
  24. I don't vote anymore since Kurisu's out. I'm curious though who will win.
  25. Btw, any new epi's released already? Are they still stuck in the giant spaceship thingy fighting the aliens? Really got to check up on the latest manga episode releases.
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