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Everything posted by Caelistas

  1. So i assume you tried bootcamp already? Cause obviously you're able to go on the inernet on your mac os X.... You DID install bootcamp drivers aswell i presume?
  2. http://www.kira-fansub.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/sample_9460f22d74d0fbff0a1a866ca1222d02-600x606.png
  3. Just K Lite Mega codec pack will do the trick. CCCP was good back in the old days, now it sucks ballz.
  4. if i may ask why wouldn't you want to use bootcamp? If i had a mac i'd make myself a windows partition immidiatly , run bootcamp & install windows, so i could play some pc games & read visual novels.
  5. This This will be the easiest,quickest and less painless way unless you intend to fuck around with windows "emu's" (note the term ) like wine or whatnot. Except for katawa shoujo (which was "western"-made), there isn't a single VN/Eroge that i know of that runs on Mac OS X natively.
  6. Euhrm FMP is at the top of the second column; i have it aswell
  7. She looks like a loli to me. Like, i'm already certain kamidori voted on her, without checking the polls, just because she looks the most loli-like. Chill the fuck out, i wasn't targeting anyone in particular. I wasn't incorrect, cause there obviously were lolicons who voted on eucliwood.
  8. http://i426.photobucket.com/albums/pp350/Anna_Asakura/900956t6ykasplyr.gif



    Btw your avatar, is that kirito from sword art online?

  9. Here u go, pick something out. EDIT: Lol i just checked the date, 18th juli was yesterday http://i240.photobucket.com/albums/ff99/Cedric5859/sdfsdf-1.jpg Note: i'm a fan or anime that contains some kind of lovestory in one way or the other, so 70% of my list does indeed contain romance , ranging from the classic "higschool lovestory like anime", to "funny humor lovestory" , to the "action with a side lovestory anime" and so on.
  10. Oh comooon fuckin lolicons again voting on Eucliwood. Fuckin typical.
  11. Go hanako i believe in you! I'm so hot for you!
  12. Yes i only recently got up to date that this anime was out... looks pretty good so far ... although kinda predictable already (stereotypical characters). I'm diggin the whole "trapped into a virtual reality world", i find the underlaying background story much more interesting then that of the primary characters as of now. Btw when is epi 3 releasing?
  13. I gave the project 15 % to succeed, and yachi told me to shut the fuck up. I still rest with that original percentage, the likelihood of seeing a finished version of this rpg are small. But hey surprise me and prove me wrong.
  14. I have my own appartment, nobody will '"catch" me....
  15. Caelistas

    Kawakaburi No Cherry

    fully translated?
  16. http://www.webanswers.com/post-images/6/60/BB20185E-6807-9072-FBC25AE8B2EBB113.png


    Nice screenname lol

  17. Fuck kotomi, I vote foooooooooooooooor http://eroderekko.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/hanako-2.jpg Hanako from katawa shoujo If you don't vote for her then you are a monster.
  18. I didn't knew mangagamer was selling hard copies of KM, goddamit if only they allowed paypal... i want a KM hard copy aswell. Oh and btw: what kind of laptop do you got that cannot run KM ? It doesn't require like anything to run.... mind = blown.
  19. Can you blame them? It took many months for them to even sell the required 2000 copies in order for baseson to "offcially" allow to patch in the voices again. I wouldn't personally run a busiiness of my own where i'm struggling to get break-even with my finances, and where 90% of the game's players just installed your game "illigally" without buying. AKA Erogedownload Don't get me wrong i would never buy all the visual novels that i have now aswell, but i'd definitly buy hard copies of classics like shuffle & koihime musou from mangagamer if they only allowed for more payment op
  20. H scene somewhere is preferable but not necessary, i can live with just an awesome romantic kinda afterstory.
  21. lol why,just use the torrent links, way faster
  22. yes haqua is gonna win http://moemonster.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/The-World-God-Only-Knows-2-03-Keima-sees-through-Haqua.jpg
  23. Wish i could help those with problems, haven't encountered anythin broken myself though. Finished school days hq yesterday, full cg and all that. I like Konohata & Otome, Sekai can go fuck herself.
  24. Caelistas


    Not me - don't have a ps3 anymore. They really ought to port it and release it on steam.
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