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About logros

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    Junior Member
  1. 三村 Mimura (three villages) 聖人 Masato (sacred person) sounds like a priest or minor saint or something, guess im unexpectedly holy despite playing eroges
  2. and mine. beat allmost everybody else by at least 40 VNs, trying to decide if that's awesome or a sad testament to how i have to much free time... Edit: oh and many of my old scores are from when i first started playing VNs and are overrated by my current standards so if you see any odd overrated games thats probably why, should get around to updating that one of these days i guess.
  3. yeah im not saying we should appoint them today, just saying that when we do it should be Ivans pic not votes or anything that will be ruined by trolls.
  4. logros

    Favorite Anime

    Hmm While picking favorites is hard some who come to mind are code geass and Death note since i love antihero/villian protagonists and Last exile since i love all things steampunk.
  5. Still think it would be abused, while he could ask for user input the final say should imo be with Ivan.
  6. Like many others apparently i reached the glorious world of VNs through the anime community, though in my case i think it was a discussion on an anime forum rather then finding out there was a game for an anime i watched.
  7. while i dont realy care about the god thing one way or another what i am annoyed about is that he started a pointless thread flaming another forum which a) stirs up needless negative feelings in this one and b) may incite trolls from mangafox to come here and annoy us, which will bother everybody and place a needles burden on ivan to if it happens since he is the only mod atm.
  8. think we should add this that warrof edited in to his original rules post for the adult content rule "This site is devoted to eroge, if it is pertinent to discussing a game (or the like) go ahead, but no In-Real-Life pornography.", since as mentioned before forbidding eroge screenshots will imo hamper discussion and we are all supposed to be 18+ anyway.
  9. hmm while that is interesting to know i dont know of its a wise idea to let just anybody add stuff to the Calendar, can see that being abused pretty bad. should probably be some kind of restricition on it though i dont know if it should be admin/mods only or something more lax.
  10. If you go back go back a few pages you will see why we choose sub-forums over single topics for the games (in short it would be pointless since it would be just like the comments, the point of having it in the forum is to be able to organize the discussion for each game into multiple topics). I would also like a feedback/sugestions forum as mentioned on the previus page. I don know if the rules and Introductions need a forum each (at least not the rules) wouldn't a sticky be enough? Also the eroge discussion should either be re-named Visual Novel dscussion since not all VNs are erotic games (w
  11. true that, i first played DOOM when i was around 10 to and i almost never feel like going on a random homicidal rampage.
  12. finaly got around to playing Higurashi (technicaly not a eroge but w/e ) here. For some reason i have never gotten around to it before, apparently a major mistake on my part judging from the two first chapters well depending on your definition anything up to and including uni can be "school" so that dosent automatically mean under age. i go to uni and i call that school to
  13. For recommending VNs? wouldn't that usually fall under general (or mayby visual novel) discussion? dont realy feel necessary to have a whole forum for that imo.
  14. you could have chosen the title better, as it is now it looks like you are asking for help... :/
  15. nothing animated and flashing imo, that's just annoying. -.-
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