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Everything posted by SaruDa

  1. Hissatsu Panda Samurai. I doubt you could find it anything but a disappointment on all fronts, but good luck.
  2. Here's one. I think I may have deleted some of the other funny ones I found... http://www.picamatic.com/show/2012/02/26/11/29/8248444_806x626.jpg
  3. I wouldn't recommend it. Machine translation from Japanese --> English tends to result in terrible, unnatural grammar.
  4. Energetic, by far. It's a super huge turn-on for me(IRL) when a girl is energetic, sociable, and also really into me. I guess that just carries over into the 2D world.
  5. There is one visual novel that I've read that I absolutely despised: http://img853.imageshack.us/img853/2408/8183.jpg I'm pretty sure the people who translated it were just trying to troll us all.
  6. Yeah, it probably took me 4 or 5 days to finish.
  7. Haven't played half of those, but I agree with the ones I have played. Particularly Tales and (Shin)Megami Tensei. I also really love Lunar Harvest Moon Valis Megaman Legends Silent Hill Metroid Valkyrie Profile
  8. Dude, I fapped so hard on MGQ...I swear I did it like every other scene. I was so raw for weeks...
  9. Why did they start calling posters wall scrolls again? I'm not sure if I've ever heard that outside of the anime community...
  10. You know what? I'd really like to see Neon Genesis Evangelion as an eroge. The sexual tension would create a completely new layer of interaction between the characters(Well, particularly if there were different routes available), and apocalyptic eroge always seem to be good. It would have to have been directed completely by Anno like 15 years ago, though.
  11. "Jiru" is the on-yomi for a kanji. This means it will change a bit depending on what word the kanji is a part of. For instance, miso-shiru is the word for miso soup. Meanwhile Kajuu also uses that symbol in the same way and means 'Fruit Juice'. Generally though, there are a very limited number of ways you can conjugate kanji like that, so the most accurate way to say just "juice" would be the westernized 'Juusu'.
  12. I've gotten 2 separate friends into eroge...Possibly 3, come to think of it. One came for the story, got the H as a bonus. Two others came for the H, stayed for the story. It's like sharing porn, it's really not that unusual.
  13. Considering that my VNDB has 41 votes and not a single one higher than "9", I'd say I'm far too much of a critic. My myanimelist has 305 entries, only 4 of which are rated "10". Yeah.... >.>
  14. I'm still waiting for an Amira sex scene. Mostly because it would be hilarious
  15. story/character cast. I tend to prefer kinetic-novel style writing, so gameplay is 100% unimportant to me. As for H, I tend to play high-H games when I want that sort of thing, and I don't really expect any deep story in those, just long H-scenes.
  16. Rin was my favorite heroine, Hanako my least favorite. Crucify me.
  17. Here's Rance 1. Rance_01_translated.zip
  18. The only manga I read regularly is One Piece.
  19. Last VN I finished was Kanon. I thought it was pretty decent, although I thought that Makoto's route was super touching, and the rest of the routes were kinda meh(Well, at least ice-cream-girl was cute and had a somewhat moving story). Aww, Rin was super cute! Asperger's for the win!
  20. Depends on the kind of eroge. Assuming it's a love-based drama of some sort... 1 hour until split(fairly short) 5/6 different heroines with about 4-5 hour routes. So I guess 20-30 hours is ideal for me.
  21. I posted it in another thread, but this is definitely my favorite. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YGuViCGhVE
  22. SaruDa


    I guess I was using "# of sales" as a meter of popularity. Touhou is probably the bigger internet meme, but Dragon Quest has general acceptance by just about all Japanese people, even the non-tech-savvy ones.
  23. It's funny because I don't even get turned on by most games which I enjoy. Saya no Uta, Sekien no Inganock, Katawa Shoujo, Tsukihime, etc. They're all extraordinary games that would be almost as extraordinary without any H IMO.
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